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Q: How does the Greek god Apollo connect to modern life?
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Why did people like Apollo the Greek god?

People like Apollo/Greek god because Apollo is the god of sun,music,poetry,archery,medicine,and making people ill,or bringing people back to life.

Why was Apollo's shrine at Delphi important in Greek life?

There was the oracle, who could answer important questions.

What is Apollo the Greek god like?

The greek god Apollo is the god of animal life and of the harvest. He carries a magic staff that controls the animals and helps plants to grow. When he plays his magical flute, all of the animals flock to him. He was especially worshipped in the city of Apolloniantis.

What si Zoe?

the name Zoe or zoie, means "life" in modern greek

What is goddess Apollo powers?

Apollo is the Greek god of light, poetry, medicine, archery and prophecy. He is also called the God of Destruction and can destroy old and unwanted elements of life. He is immortal and has the power to heal.

How did Apollo influence modern day life in science?

By defeating Rocky Balboa in a controversial bout in "Rocky" Apollo helped demonstrate Newton's third law of motion: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Apollo defeats Rocky (action), Rocky is defeated by Apollo (reaction)

How does the Greek Goddess Aphrodite influence modern day life?

because he does and is the godness of love in most greek myths kudos

Where did the wreath originate?

The wreath dates back at least to ancient Greece. It was associated with Apollo, the Greek god of health and life. One of its first recorded uses was 2,500-2,600 years ago, at the Pythian games. The Pythian games were the ancient model to the modern-day Olympic games. But winners weren't given medals. Instead, they were given laurel wreaths, as symbolic crowns of victory.

Compare with a venn diagram comparing and contrasting Ancient Greek life with modern life?

today is much differrent

What does the Crane symbolize in Greek Culture?

In Greek culture, the crane symbolizes longevity, as cranes were believed to live long lives. They also symbolize vigilance and alertness, as cranes are known for their keen awareness of their surroundings. Additionally, cranes are associated with harmony and balance in Greek mythology, often depicted as messengers of the gods.

Why did people believe in greek god Apollo?

Back in the day, people created gods and goddesses to explain the natural phenomenon that occurred in everyday life.

What modern connections does the greek god Haphestus aka Vulcan to modern life?

In Star Trek there is an alien called Vulcan. Spock is a Vulcan.