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Groupon is a deal of the day website recommendation service for customers. Users sign up with their emails and they receive a daily email from Groupon about discounts and promotions in their local area, if a person does not like the offer, they can ignore the email.

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Q: How does the Groupon program work?
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What other test could you perform to prove that it was your computers firewall that was blocking the connection and not the firewall on the computer you are using as a client?

The test that can prove which computer's firewall is blocking a program from running is to turn off the firewall on the computer being used, then try to run the program in question. If the program still doesn't work, then the main computer is blocking the program.

How long does it take to design and program a character in a video game?

i would say it takes a day or two of non stop work.

What is the difference between a computer and a computer program?

A computer is an electronic (or electromechanical) device that can handle input, processing and produce output. A computer program is a set of rules or instructions that enables the computer to perform these tasks (input, processing and output). They work together, a computer is useless without a computer program, and a computer program cannot work without a computer. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Why do you need a file extantion?

A file extention isn't needed but when your the file has a file extention the computer can easily find the appropiate program to run it. If a file doesnt have a file extension the computer will require you to find the appropiate program with means more work for you to do

You import a video onto your computer but when you play it on your computer using a program other then the one provided with the disc it has no sound. i have a sony handycam?

what program did you use? ALSO try VLC Media player find it on google by typing in VLC it is free and all video formats work with it!!

Related questions

What is Groupon?

The population of Groupon is 2,011.

What is the population of Groupon?

Groupon's population is 7,000.

When was Groupon created?

Groupon was created in 2008.

What is Groupon's population?

The population of Groupon is 2,011.

How do you cancel a groupon?

You will need to contact Groupon directly to have them dispute the charge.

What is the stock symbol for Groupon?

There is no stock symbol for Groupon because they are not public yet.

How can a handyman get more jobs through Groupon?

One can promote himself by offering a deal for a limited time. This way, more work will surely come, and even a little hype, which will also get more work. Groupon does a great job managing specific locations for certain deals, which means that local work will come and the word will spread.

How do you follow Groupon in the stock market?

Groupon isn't a publicly owned share. You can't buy it yet.

How can one get a job with Groupon?

One can get a job with Groupon by going to an employment center where they help one find all the jobs and how to apply. One can also get a job with Groupon by going on sites like jobsearch.

What does it mean to buy a coupon on Groupon?

Groupon offers one "Groupon" per day in each of the markets it serves. If a certain number of people sign up for the offer, then the deal becomes available to all. If the predetermined minimum is not met, no one gets the deal that day. This reduces risk for retailers. Groupon makes money by keeping approximately half the money the customer pays for the coupon. For example, if you purchase Groupon for $100 for a restaurant for $50 through, then the business gets $25 and Groupon keeps $25. You get to spend $100 at the restaurant using the Groupon that you paid $50 for, saving you $50 at that restaurant.

What is stock symbol for Groupon?


Is Groupon a publicly traded stock?

No, Groupon is not a publicly traded stock. It is a private company. Please see the related link for details.