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well amendment 8 states that there cant be cruel or unusual punishments anymore. I don't know if that's what you are looking for but i just took the Constitution test! I passed(:

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Q: How does the US Constitution prevent abuses of governmental power and protect individual liberties?
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Why was The bill of rights was added to the US Constitution to?

The US Bill of Rights was created to protect U.S. citizen's individual liberties.

What did the Anti-Federalists want the Constitution to provide?

A promise to protect individual rights. Apex :D have a nice day~

How does the US Constitution prevent individual citizens or groups such as corporations from becoming too powerful?

Anti-trust laws!

Describe provisions in The Constitution that prevent misuse or abuse of government power?

the branches of government, voting, checks and balances, impeachment

Federalist James Madison urged ratification of the constitution because?

he believed the new system of government would provide a more stable and effective structure than the Articles of Confederation. Madison argued that the Constitution's checks and balances, separation of powers, and federalist system would help prevent tyranny and protect individual rights. He believed ratification was necessary for the United States to successfully govern itself and protect the liberties of its citizens.

Why do governmental laws seek to restrict monopolies and cartels benefit consumers and businesses?

To prevent inflation growth.

How do constitutional rights impact individual rights?

They prevent the government from abusing the individual.

Each state should be allowed to determine for itself the extent to which national authority restricts its actions?

This is known as states rights. It was added into the Constitution to prevent a central government from taking over the individual states.

What are the conditions necessary to prevent the courts of justice from endangering the general liberties of the people?

The courts needed to be separated from both the legislative and executive powers.

Does the constitution give us our rights or does it protect our rights?

The US Constitution gives American citizens their rights and liberties. The Bill of Rights within the Constitution guarantees that American citizens will never be deprived of their fundamental rights.

The states adopted constitutions that limited the power of the?


What is the need to protect the sovereignty of the state?

The sovereignty of a state, nation, or country guarantees that they control the domestic laws and commerce, and the rights of citizens. In the United States, individual states will normally control their own laws and regulations, except where this conflicts with individual rights under the Constitution, or with Federal law. State sovereignty is a legal principle that US states are acknowledged by the Constitution to have control over the laws and activities within their jurisdictions. This is subject to restriction in some cases by the Congress under Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, to prevent individual states from discrimination in interstate commerce.