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Q: How does the Wild Sarsaparilla by JG Strauch Jr appeal to the five senses?
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How sharp are the African wild dogs senses?

they are as sharp as they can get

Animal with sharp senses?

All animals have different sharp senses, since they are part of wild life and the survival requires a lot of sharpness.

What plants grow in Manitoba?

Plants that grow in Manitoba include arrowhead, asparagus, chicory, catnip, dandelion, thistle, violets, wild bergamot, bearberry, cranberry, gooseberry, sumac, elderberry, puffball, cone flower, wild ginger, and sarsaparilla.

What senses does a African wild dog use to hunt?

it uses scent, sight, and hearing

What determines intelligence in animals?

It is rather instinct than intellagence-they have senses and natural instinct with they were born with. Studies show that placing an animal in a zoo or not having them injh the wild takes away the 'intellagence'. Animals exposed to the wild daily have more acute senses.

What are special functions of wild horses?

Wild horses tend to be a lot faster and stronger. They were born and raised in the wild so they have to be strong to protect itself. A wild horse will have some extra senses that a farm horse may not. Farm horses trust you, but a wild horse, not so much.

What are the flavors of Wild Bill's Soda Pop?

There's orange, grape, vanilla cream, root beer, diet root beer, ginger ale, birch beer and sarsaparilla six shooter. You can try out the variety pack which contains all flavors.

Which animal senses more developed than others?

it really depends on the animal. compared to humans most animal senses are better then us. But senses that are most likely more developed then others is sight and hearing. With cats there sight, hearing and balance. In dogs its only hearing, the sight isn't as good. All animals in the wild have heightened senses to be able to be aware of their predators.

What is the definition of zoo?

The noun zoo has 1 senses? (first 1 from tagged texts) 1. (2) menagerie, zoo, zoological garden (the facility where wild animals are housed for exhibition)

Can wild animals eat cooked bones?

Yes, pigs will eat just about anything put in front of them that is not harmful. They have pretty good instincts and senses. They will however eat bones.

Is lemon la vida loca real?

No. The Spanglish phrase is "Livin' la vida loca" from Ricky Martin. "la vida loca" is "the crazy/wild life". In the song, Martin discusses dating a wild woman who drags him through the various aspects of her life and is driving him crazy in the positive and negative senses of the word.

Can people feed wild rabbits?

I would not feed wild rabbits because they could possibly keep coming back to you and start nesting around your house. However, they are not harmful and appeal to some as 'cute' and 'fuzzy' so no harm would be done. And, do not feed them anything besides vegetables and fruits due to allergies they could have.