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Non-vascular plants are generally thalloid, these plants seldom attain height and not able to remain erect without some support

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Q: How does the absence of vascular tissue in nonvascular plants affect their structure and appearance?
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Is a hole lighter than air?

noMy AnswerYou have failed to define hole. As a hole is an area with nothing in it and you happen to mean a hole in the air the absence of air would create an volume lighter than air. Of course you need a structure to maintain the absence of air so currently that wont work as a balloon.

Sentence of absence?

The absence of a passenger put the cruise ship on high alert.

What are three ways the structure of a triglyceride differs from the structure of a protein?

triglyceride /// protein a)ester linkage /// peptide bonds b)absence of ///presence NH2 groups c)hydrolyze to ///hydrolyze to amino acids... acid and alcohol

Which animal can respire in absence of oxygen?

There are quite a few animals that can respire in the absence of oxygen. One of these animals is the hippo.

Differences between monocot and dicot stem?

Monocot Root* Presence of thin walled cells in the epiblema. * Absence of cuticle and stomata.* Presence of unicellular root hairs.* Presence of passage cells and casparian thickenings in the endodermis.* Presence of parenchyma cells in the pericycle.* Presence of conjuctive tissue.* Presence of a distinct pith.* Presence of radial vascular bundles with polyarch condition and an exarch xylemDicot Root* Presence of thin walled cells in the epiblema. * Absence of cuticle, and stomata.* Presence of unicellular root hairs.* Absence of hypodermis.* Presence of passage cells and casparian thickenings in the endodermis.* Presence of uniseriate pericycle made up of parenchyma.* Presence of conjuctive tissue.* Absence of pith.* Presence of radial vascular bundles exhibiting tetrach condition with exarch xylemDicot Stem Anatomy:1. In dicot stem the epidermal multicellular stem hairs are present.2. Hypodermis present or absent; if present it is collenchymatous.3. Cortex is well differentiated.4. Endodermis and pericycle layers are present.4. Vascular bundles are arranged in a ring, they are conjoint, collateral, open and endarch.6. Pith is distinct and centrally located.Monocot Stem Anatomy:1. Usually stem hair are absent.2. Hypodermic generally present and it is sclerenchymatous.3. No cortex, the entire tissue below hyperdermis is ground tissue.4. No endodermis of pericylce.5. Vascular bundles are scattered in the ground tissue. they are conjoint, collateral and closed.6. Pith is not differentiated. (S_A)

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How Nonvascular plants are distinguished by the?

The absence of xylem and phloem.

What is the main difference between vascular and nonvasscular plants?

Presence of xylem & phloem in vascular plants and absence of these vascular tissues in non-vascular plants.

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Why do nonvascular plants use osmosis to transfer nutrients?

Due to absence of conducting tissue in the form of xylem and phloem

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Why do mosses grow low on the ground?

It lacks vascular tissue. Vascular tissue is what pumps the water from the roots to the top of the plant. Because moss has no vascular tissue and no formal root system it has to be small enough to conserve water and make it easy for water to reach the entire plant

What charicteristics could you use to help you decide if a plant was a monocot or a dicot?

1. Number of cotyledones in the embryo of a seed 2. Absence of cambium in the vascular bundles 3. Scaterred vascular bundles in the stem. 4. Parallel leaf venation

Where do nonvascular plants get water?

Although non-vascular plants lack the vascular tissues, a number of non-vascular plants possess tissues specialized for internal transport of water. Non-vascular plants have no roots, stems, or leaves, since each of these structures is defined by containing vascular tissue. The lobes (rounded parts) of the liverwort may look like leaves, but they are not true leaves because they have no xylem or phloem. Likewise, mosses and algae have no such tissues. All plants have a life cycle with an alternation of generations between a diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte, but nonvascular plants include the only plants that have a dominant gametophyte generation. In these plants, the sporophytes grow attached and are dependent on gametophytes for taking in water and other materials. I am studying non-vascular plants in my class. I hope that this helps! (My source is Wikipedia lol helps a lot for me...

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Types of vascular bundles?

Vascular bundles may be radial or conjoint depending on the position of xylem and phloem. They may be open or closed depending on the presence or absence of cambium between their xylem and phloem. They may be scattered or arranged in a ring.