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Q: How does the afrian pyxie frog adapt to their environment?
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How does the micro frog adapt to their environment?

The micro frog adapts to their environment in a number of ways. They must first adapt to the climate for example.

What are frog names that start with p?

Pyxie frog (pixie), Pac-man frog, and Poison frog

How does the Spencer burrowing frog adapt to its environment?

by the digging implements on the side of its back legs

What does the endocrine system of frogs do?

The general function of the endocrine system is to produce hormones that influence, coordinate, and control the frog's body. This helps the frog to continuously adapt to the changes in the environment.

Can a tree frog survive a tropical storm?

Tree frogs are born to be able to adapt well to their environment. Because they are native to many tropical areas they are known to be able to survive a tropical storm.

How can a red eyed tree frog adapt the desert?

no it is simply too dry. period.

What can't a frog adapt to?

Some frogs are very adaptable to basically any situation, so it depends on the frog species. Most frogs are fairly flexible, but the one thing they probably can't adapt to very well is new predators.

What changed for the frog to cause it to move?

it's environment

Way do frog live in ponds?

frogs live in pond environment .list three frog adaptation and describe how they help the frog survive

How do animals adapt to mating?

There's a certain type of fish and frog that can change their sex if no male is present.

What structures of the mouth help a frog adapt?

They don't, you have it the wrong way round. The structures in the mouth of a frog are adaptations that help it compete and SURVIVE. Structure do not lead to adaptation, structures ARE adaptations.

How do poisinous dart frogs adapt to survive?

The Poison Dart Frog comes in many different colors. Almost all the dart frogs have a different combination. Some are only one color. But, don't be fooled by their fantastic color. The frog may hurt you.The Poison dart frog, lives in warm,damp places. It also likes living in tropical forests. The forests have the correct temperature for the frog to survive. It is also a good place for the frog to hide.Hope i helped you _Aneela27