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Q: How does the amoeba get the oxygen it needs and get rid of carbon dioxide it produces?
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How are respiration and photosynthesis complementary operations?

Respiration uses oxygen, and produces carbon dioxide. Photosyhthesis usues carbon dioxide and produces oxygen

Which process in plant produces carbon dioxide?

I'm afraid that would be impossible as plants take in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen not carbon dioxide

Does photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide gas?

No, the process is to take in carbon dioxide with water and sunlight to make sugars; the by-product is oxygen.

Is oxygen found in yeast?

Yeast produces carbon dioxide.

What are the atmospheric effects caused by carbon dioxide?

The plants Suck in the carbon dioxide then photosynthesis pops in and produces Oxygen.

How the Respiration system produces carbon dioxide?

exhaling used oxygen,nitrgen,carbon

How does fungus use carbon dioxide and produces oxygen?

Fungus do not produce oxygen from carbon dioxide, Only green plants with chlorophyll exhibit photosynthesis.

Burning coal produces which gas?

Burning coal in complete combustion of oxygen produces carbon-dioxide where as burning coal in limted amount of oxygen produces carbon-monoxide.

How does a redwood tree help a deer to live?

In a sense yes, but not necessarily, see a tree produces oxygen and takes in carbon dioxide. A deer takes in oxygen and produces carbon dioxide. So a tree, for instance a redwood, can provide oxygen that the deer needs in order to survive, and the deer produces carbon dioxide that a tree needs to survive.

How does the amoeba obtain oxygen and carbon dioxide?

An amoeba lives in an aqueous environment; some oxygen from the air will normally dissolve into the water (or, oxygen is released by plants living in the water) and oxygen will enter the amoeba by the process of diffusion.

What are the outputs of photosythesis?

Phototsynthesis produces oxygen and glucose from water and carbon dioxide.

What is the role of the oxygen- carbon dioxide cycle?

Through the process of photosynthesis, a plant takes the carbon dioxide from the air produces and releases oxygen back into the air. They produce oygen and use carbon dioxide during the day.