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Q: How does the automatic function on a clothes dryer work?
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How does a Gas Clothes Dryer work?

A gas dryer uses natural gas to heat air which is then passed through a rotating drum which tumbles the clothes through the heated air.

Can you use bounce dryer sheets in the new energy efficient Kenmore dryers?

The dryer is going to heat up enough to dry the clothes and that's all it takes for the dryer sheets to work.

How can you make a 240 volt 60 cycle Clothes dryer work on a 220 50 cycle system?

You need to purchase a transformer.

How does a spin dryer work?

When wet clothes are placed inside a spin dryer and it is switched on, the drum in which the clothes are placed rotates very fast. This makes the water go out of the clothes due to a force called centrifugal force. For scientific details about the centrifugal force go to For more about the spin fryers and their usage:

How do you dry clothes without a dryer or cloths line in 5 - 10 minutes?

For small amounts of clothes a microwave would work. Possibly a stove might work as well. However in both cases you would have to be very careful and watchful that you clothes neither melted or caught fire

Do dryer balls really work?

According to my sister, who uses them in soggy Seattle, they do make clothes dry faster than they would otherwise, decreasing the amount of time clothes need to stay in the drier.

How do you take lint of clothes perfectly?

its easy you first buy a brush then rub and its of or you can either put it in the dryer nonstop for a year in their and youll see it work

How does dryer sheets work?

Dryer sheets coat your clothes with a sticky chemical residue. This residue is interpreted through touch as being soft. It is flammable, and will clog the dryer over time. Bounce has been tested on rats and has a low toxicity rating. A rat must only consume the amount of chemical on 12 dryer sheets in order to die.

How does hand dryer work?

How do Hand Dryers Work

How people get their clothes smooth after washing?

Hanging them out on a washline or putting them in a dryer (as long as you don't leave them there) both work pretty well. However the only way to get them really smooth is to iron them.

Does mr steamy work?

Mr. Steamy claims to be a dryer ball that reduces wrinkles and static cling in clothes by releasing steam inside the dryer. However, reviews on its effectiveness are mixed, with some users reporting positive results and others seeing no difference in their laundry. It may work for some users, but the results can vary.

Can a 120 hair dryer work with a 110 outlet?

Yes - a hair-dryer rated at 120 volts will work in a 110 volt outlet.