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Pathogenic bacteria enter host cells basically for "food and shelter", and to hide from the host's immune system. Under normal circumstances, the phagocytic cells of the immune system engulf the bacteria and/or tag them for destruction by other means. This keeps the bacteria away from other cells. Studies indicate however, that pathogenic bacteria enter non-phagocytic cells via receptor-mediated endocytosis. The bacterium has a surface protein that a protein on the host cell recognizes. The cell is then fooled into believeing that the bacterial protein is one that needs to be destroyed or recycled. Since the cell's protein destruction machinery is inside the cell, it brings the bacterium into the cell via endocytosis. And the rest is history!

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12y ago

when the bacteria enters the host it finds a target cell... it will then attach to the target cell and inject its DNA into the cell destroying the cells actual DNA.... so when the cell makes copies of what it thinks is its DNA it is really producing more bacterial DNA and it will destroy more cells until antibiotics are ingested

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Q: How and why do pathogenic bacteria enter host cells?
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Bacteria that invade a host organism and obtain nutrients from hosts cells?

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a capsule; some shield pathogenic prokaryotes (bacteria is a prokaryote) from attacks by their host's immune system.

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No. Almost all bacteria are not. There are bacteria everywhere performing essential functions like breaking down dead animals and plants. Bacteria are essential to health helping digest food and preventing pathogenic bacteria from getting out of control.

What is non-pathogenic bacteria?

Any bacteria that does not cause harm to the subject.

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Sallam... Pathogenic organisms cause infection and disease by feeding off the host and making them weak and by reproducing extremely fast inside the host destroying the cells. They also carry bacteria that makes us sick..

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What happens when bacteria injures host cells?

The host cell then will die.

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There are many forms of parasitic bacteria. The parasitic bacterium that depends on eukaryotic host cells are of the Rickettsia family.

Is a parasite a pathogen?

# No; a parasite is a living organism that feeds off another living organism's body, known as the host. A tumor is a group of cells that mutate and then reproduce rapidly normally with harmful effects. # Yes, if the tumor is considered an organism.