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Some bacteria are destroyed with stomach acid while others make it past and are killed by other bacteria in the gut. Make note that some bacteria are not killed in your body at all and can cause major diseases.

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Q: How does the bacteria that enters your system get destroyed?
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Bacteria and viruses are destroyed by?

Bacteria can be destroyed by antibiotics, while viruses can be destroyed by specific antiviral medications. Additionally, good hygiene practices such as handwashing and disinfection can help prevent the spread of both bacteria and viruses.

How bacteria enter the human body?

Usually bacteria enter the body through a break or cut in the skin. Many are easily destroyed by the simple act of washing; so it is very important to wash your hands often with soap and water when you come in contact with bacteria. Unlike viruses; many can be controlled or destroyed by antibiotics; but it is important not to overuse antibiotics because bacteria can adapt and become resistant. Most people with a healthy immune system can handle most common bacteria because the immune system will produce antibodies which will destroy the bacteria before it gets out of control.

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It is Excreted from the body.

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