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AnswerThe First Cause Argument is a process of logic that says that everything must have a cause, and lke links in a chain, every cause must have a prior cause. The argument is that God is the first cause, although the same argument could apply equally to any other god. This argument also means that the one exception is that God does not need a prior cause.

Scientific theories about the ultimate origin of the universe are collectively associated with the "big bang" event that essentially started it. The position now is that God no longer need be the first cause, because we have a natural explanation for the beginning of the universe. However, that does not eliminate a first cause - it simply means we have a natural first cause rather than a supernatural one.

The big bang theory challenges the theological assumption that God was the first cause, but it does not mean there was no first cause. The first cause was a natural event.
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Q: How does the big bang theory challenge the first cause argument?
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