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Black Ghosts have a face which resembles that of a dog. So imagine a canine swallowing something. dats the way....also it has a very acute sense of smell and is able to detect its food and prey

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Q: How does the black ghost knife fish eat s its food?
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How does a black ghost knife fish gets its nutrients?

black ghost knife fish gets nutrients and energy from the food it eat

Where does the ghost black knife fish gets its energy?

The same place every other fish gets its energy. From the food it eats.

Where does black ghost knife fish get its nutrients?

Like all fish, the black ghost knife fish gets it nutrients from its food. They are micro-carnivores, and eat small worms, shrimp, and other small, meaty foods. In the aquarium, they will thrive on brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, blood worms, and other meaty aquarium foods.

Why do black knife ghost fishes disappear?

There are many reasons for fish to die. Your fish, most likely died of old age or you were not feeding it or not feeding it enough food. It could also be a diease. If fungus was growing over the rocks, or the tank, it could be possible he/she died of that.

What environment does a black ghost knife fish live?

Ghost knifes enjoy a variety of different food such as flakes,bloodworms,brineshrimp,some even feed them beefheart,they are great feeders and will come straight to your hand for the food,beautiful fish and amazing to watch.There are lots of videos of these fish on youtube.

Can ghost shrimps eat the same food as fish?

Yes ghost fish can eat the same food as other fish, if the food falls to the bottom of the tank.

If you feed a black ghost fish worms will it eat flakes again?

All fish should have some live food in their diet at times. I would expect the Black Ghost will still eat other foods too after having some worm treats.

How do you make black food die?

Stab it with a knife.

What is the black bears food?

Berries & fish

What is the role of a black bear?

to eat food and fish

What is the forbidden food of the black foot Indian tribe?


What are the black bear's food?

Meat. Most fish meat.