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Q: How does the body respond to coronary heart disease?
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How can heart disease damage your heart?

Heart disease can damage the heart in different ways depending on the disease. In CAD (Coronary Artery Disease), blockages in the lumen of the arteries can cause areas of the coronary muscle to shut down due to lack of oxygenation. If the plaques continue to build up in the heart's blood vessels, more coronary muscle shuts down. Undetected, this could lead to death as the heart does not have the strength to pump blood through the body.

What is diagnosis of coronary artery disease?

The coronary arteries bring nutrients and oxygen to the heart. They actually are so important that they take blood to the muscles of the heart before the rest of the body. A person with a disease of these arteries has less oxygen going to the heart muscles and an increased risk of heart damage or a heart attack.

Will large numbers of radicals within the body increase the risk of coronary heart disease?

Oxygen free radicals will :D

What amino acid can increase coronary heart disease?

Homocysteine is an amino acid your body uses to make protein and to build and maintain tissue. But high levels of homocysteine may increase your risk of coronary artery disease.

Where is a coronary?

Coronary is not a type of body part. It is used to describe items in the body that are 'related to the heart.'

The Many Names of Coronary Heart Disease?

Coronary heart disease is known by many names, CHD, CAD, coronary artery disease. It is used to describe a general hardening and narrowing of the vessels of the heart due to fat and other materials. This condition results in poor circulation, and cardiac distress. Narrowing of the blood vessels can elevate the blood pressure which results in damage throughout the body, it also prevents the adequate flow to the tissues of the heart and causes damage directly to it. A healthy heart diet will help to prevent this issue.

What is ischaemic heart disease?

Ischemic heart disease is a medical condition described by a restricted blood flow through arteries in the heart muscle. These arteries cannot carry sufficient oxygen to several areas of the body supplied by such blood vessels. This condition can result in a heart attack.

What is the relationship between coronary artery disease and a heart attack?

atherosclerosis is a condition where plaque builds up in your arteries. This can narrow the artery, reducing blood flow and oxygen perfusion. In the case of the coronary system this reduced perfusion can lead to chest pain or a heart attack. this condition can be worsened if the plaque build up ruptured. the body will respond to this by building a clot around the area, further reducing blood flow and oxygen. worst case scenario this will lead to an acute myocardial (AMI) causing cell death to cardiac muscle.

How long does it take to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease back to that of a non smoker?

it will completely depend upon your health. how much can your body recover depends on it.

What does coronary heart disease do to the body?

Coronary heart disease affects the coronary arteries which supply glucose and oxygen to the heart. Sometimes, the coronary arteries get blocked (because of blood clots or the lumen has become smaller), so less/ no oxygen or glucose can be supplied to the heart. . If the blockage is lower down in the artery, then the symptoms will be milder, because a small area of muscle will suffer oxygen deprivation. This disease can be fatal - as this will cause a heart attack (also known as "myocardial infarction") and the heart will eventually stop beating because the blood supply is completely cut off.

Coronary Heart Disease – A Silent Killer of Men and Women?

Coronary heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease, is a disease of the heart that forms when the veins that feed blood and oxygen to the heart become clogged. This disease affects millions of Americans, and kills over 500,000 people in the United States alone each year. However, coronary heart disease is not just a problem that Americans face. The disease is becoming more common in Europe and other Westernized countries. Heart related diseases kill more people around the world than any other disease or causes. Many are not aware that they are suffering from coronary heart disease. The disease slowly progresses. It is possible to see the beginning signs of coronary artery disease in a child of 10 years old or younger. The heart is a muscle and needs its own supply of enriching blood, just like every other muscle and organ in the body. The heart pumps this supply of blood through the hearts chambers. The coronary artery is the main arteries of the heart and has the job of bringing the most oxygen rich blood to the heart. There are other smaller arteries that feed the heart as well. Healthy coronary arteries have very smooth and flexible walls. The walls are strong, but can become easily irritated. Substances that irritate the arteries are calcium, cholesterol, fats and cell debris. When these substances pass through the arteries in excessive amounts, small amounts will stick to the artery walls. This causes the artery walls to slowly harden and starts the onset of coronary heart disease. Over the years, the artery will become narrower due to the buildup of these substances. Eventually the artery will become clogged. The buildup that occurs inside of the coronary artery walls is called atherosclerosis. This is when the fat, debris, cholesterol and calcium turns into a hardened plaque like substance. These plaque deposits build up and continuously become thicker. Symptoms of closing arteries are chest pressure and heart pain, which is referred to as angina. At this stage, the person affected has coronary heart disease. When the blood supply to the heart is completely blocked, the result is a heart attack. Heart bypass surgery is a common way that those with coronary artery disease remove plaque buildup in the arteries. Double, Triple and Quadruple bypass surgery is for those who have arteries in various chambers of the heart blocked. These surgeries are very risky. The best way to avoid getting coronary artery disease is to prevent the disease altogether by eating a healthy and balanced diet and establishing a regular exercise routine.

What is CAD heart disease?

That's Coronary Artery Disease , the arteries near the top of the heart.The ones that pump blood OUT to the body. This can get quite serious, so get a second opinion and get informed and get proactive about this. Now.