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Well it most amphibians have toxins in there skin so that is probably protects itself

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Q: How does the caecilian defend itself?
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caecilian life cycle

How many fingers does a caecilian have?

A caecilian is a legless amphibian and therefore does not have fingers.

Is a caecilian an invertebrate?

Yes because a caecilian is a worm like amphibian

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A flower may have thorns such as a rose does enabling it to passively defend itself .

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it kill itself

Is a caecilian cold blooded?

A caecilian is cold blooded because it is an Amphibian and all Amphibians are cold blooded

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How big is a caecilian?

It is as big as a snake

How big is the biggest caecilian in the world?

The largest caecilian is the Atretochoana eiselti which can grow to be as large as 63 inches (5 ft 3 in).