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cell wall helps by the controlling of the guard cells, it maintains whether its closed or open. Chloropast help photosynthesise

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Q: How does the cell wall of a guard cell and the chloroplasts help the stomata carry out its function?
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What is the stomata?

---- Stomata are microscopic pores found on the under side of leaves. You will find the stomata in the epidermal tissue. The stomata is bounded by two half moon shaped guard cells that function to vary the width of the pore. Each guard cell contains chloroplasts. The glucose concentration of the the cells changes with the photosynthetic activity and therefore it is the guard cells that regulate the opening and closing of the stoma. ----

Which types of cells contain chloroplasts?

The guard cells of stomata alone contains chloroplast.

What is the function of a guard cell and when they open?

To regulate opening and closing of stomata

Why are the guard cells in the lower epidermis the only cells with chloroplasts in a leaf?

Guard cells in the lower epidermis are the only cells with chloroplasts in a leaf because they play a crucial role in regulating gas exchange and water loss through the stomata. Chloroplasts allow guard cells to photosynthesize and produce sugars, which provide the energy needed for stomata opening and closing. This specialization ensures efficient control over transpiration and photosynthesis in leaves.

Are chloroplast present in guard cells?

Yes, chloroplasts are present in guard cells. Guard cells are specialized cells found in the epidermis of plant leaves and stems that regulate the opening and closing of stomata. Chloroplasts, which contain the green pigment chlorophyll, are responsible for photosynthesis and are necessary for the energy production needed for the opening and closing of stomata.

Is it true the tiny holes through which gases enter and exit leaves are called chloroplasts?

They are called stomatas. These are bound by guard cells.

What is the function of a guard cell in plants?

The function of the guard cells are that they help to regulate the rate of transpiration by opening and closing the stomata thus preventing excessive water loss.

What is tissue packed with chloroplasts?

The stomata in the epidermis allow oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour to enter and leave the leaf. The guard cells also contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis.

Are guard cells in a animal cell?

Yes Guard cell do contain Chloroplasts, so they can manufacture sugar by photosynthesis. In fact, they are the only epidermal cells that have chloroplasts that can do this. Usually, we think of photosynthesis as by Mesophyll cells. There is some theory that the manufacturing of sugar can work in conjunction with K+ to regulate water potential. Side note, it is well known that it is ions movements in the guard cells can cause water to flow in or out, which open and close the stomata respectively.

How are the stomata controlled?

The stomata are controlled by two epidermal cells called guard cells. When water flows in, the guard cells swell up and closes the stomata. When the water leaves, it becomes flaccid and opens the stomata.

Stomata are part of which type of plant structure?

Tinyopenings on underside ofleaves

Which structure is responsible for the opening and closing of stomata?

guard cells