

How does the cheating spouse fix the marriage?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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The short version is...grow up

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Q: How does the cheating spouse fix the marriage?
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If sex is lacking in a marriage is it conidered cheating on your spouse if you pleasure yourself?

Pleasuring yourself is never cheating.

What constitutes cheating in a marriage?

Having sex with someone who isn't your spouse (or your hand)

Could you really trust your spouse to change if the affair he had would be his last?

When a spouse breaks that bond of trust it will take several months to possibly a year or more (of good behavior) for that cheating husband to earn the trust back from their spouse. The victim of a cheating spouse should never make it easy for the cheater to come back into their lives and continue on as if nothing has happened, but, they should not harp at the cheating spouse or the relationship would wither away. To err is human and sometimes either men or women make a mistake and cheat, but some never cheat again while others may find themselves cheating over and over again. This is why it is important for the victim of cheating to tell their spouse they will only take them back if they agree to go to marriage counseling where the marriage counselor can give them the tools to correct the weak areas in the marriage. If the cheating spouse refuses, then it is better to walk away from the marriage.

What would you do if your spouse betrayed your trust would you fix your marriage or go for divorce?

If this was the first time the spouse cheated and they are remorseful and want to stay in the marriage then yes, it is worth trying to save the marriage by seeing a marriage counselor who is not there to blame either spouse, but to give them the tools to strengthen their marriage. If the spouse continually cheats then it is best to get a divorce.

Why do the ugly images of spouse adultery refuse to go away?

When a spouse gives their other spouse all their love; trust and loyalty they always feel their spouse will do the same so when the spouse has an affair it comes as a shock to the other spouse. It is heartbreaking; that treasured bond of trust you once had in your spouse has gone and not easily earned back. It is normal to envision your cheating spouse being with someone else and enjoying themselves and it makes you question yourself as far as 'did I do something wrong; perhaps not enough and I let my partner down'; 'is our sexual relationship not good enough and did I do anything wrong; to 'does my cheating spouse think I am not attractive enough' or in some cases 'have I lost my looks and I'm too old and they don't want me anymore.' This makes the victim of a cheating spouse feel insecure and eventually they become angry and resentful and find it difficult to forgive their spouse for the cheating; the victim cannot feel sympathy for their spouse; the victim has a deep seated urge to pay back their cheating spouse for all the hurt he/she caused them and this in turn involves a poor sexual relationship because the victim feels when their cheating spouse is making love they are still thinking of the other person they cheated with. Marriage counseling can help, but it is entirely up to you (you hold the power) to either move on from the marriage or see a marriage counselor to learn the tools to deal with any problems in your marriage, but it takes the both of you to make it work. As far as your trust in your spouse it will take time and it is entirely up to them to earn that trust again.

What are the signs if your spouse really wanted to work on your marriage after getting caught cheating?

There is only one sign and that is if he were to agree to go to marriage counseling and keep each appointment with you. It is important that he realizes a marriage counselor is not there to place blame on either spouse, but to give them tools in order for them to communicate better and resolve any problems they have in their marriage.

Term for cheating on a spouse?

cheating ANSWER: what about Adultery and Adulteress

Dream your spouse is cheating?

It is very common when a marriage has some problems that one spouse is worried the marriage will fail and they become extremely stressed about it and may suspect their spouse is cheating. When one sleeps the brain is still active and all people dream every half hour to release the stress of the day, but most of people do not remember their dreams as they are in full REM sleep. It is the first few moments when a person wakes up (it seems longer than a few moments) that they will remember a dream or a nightmare. The best thing you can do is choose a quiet evening with your spouse and calmly (without accusing them) that you had a dream that they were cheating. Your spouse will not be upset because they know it's just a dream to them, but watch for body language and facial expressions. If you feel there is a chance your spouse is cheating then ask them right out. If they deny it and you are still sure they are cheating your only two options is to have a friend with a car and the two of you follow your spouse or, hire a detective for the days your spouse is not around.

How do you deal with a home wrecker?

This is a question that you can only answer for yourself. There is a more important issue here and that is your relationship. The "homewrecker" may not have known that your spouse was married. If he or she did, then that person shares some of the blame. However, it is unlikely that your cheating spouse believed the homewrecker to be his or her "soulmate." As such, the cheating could have occurred with any number of people.Do you still love your spouse? If so, then speak to your spouse and try to fix the marriage. This may mean speaking with a marriage counselor, a clergyman or other trusted person. You have to decide if this infidelity is unpardonable and requires a divorce. If not, then you may try to save the marriage.If you have decided that the marriage is not salvagable, then speak to a divorce attorney right away. You need to know your legal rights. For all you know, the conversation with your divorce attorney may make you reconsider your original decision.Whatever you do, violence is not the answer. Do not threaten or assault the "homewrecker." This will not help you at all. In fact, it can only harm you.AnswerBy your use of the term 'homewrecker' it is clear that you have not viewed this situation honestly. The only problem you can/should address in this situation is your spouse. Your spouse is the one who strayed. It is not the fault of the other person who is involved. They owe no duty to you. Only your spouse does. You need to ask why your spouse allowed the situation to develop in the first place, what is wrong in your marriage, can it be fixed, do you want to fix it and does your spouse want to fix it. The only person who can remove the other party involved is your spouse. You each need to decide on where you go from here.

What are the consequences of cheating spouse?

Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.

Why does your spouse constantly tease that you are cheating?

Your spouse teasing you or not talking is common. They are feeling left out as you are cheating on someone else.

What is a a spouse?

spouse - marriage partner