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Q: How does the circulatory system get needed materials to your toes?
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Why are toes needed?

Toes help a great deal with balance.

What causes cracks in the toes and numbness?

This is indicative of a circulatory problem, possibly the result of deficiency in Vitamin B1, B6, B12, or Folic Acids.

Why does the mouse bird's toes help it with adaptation?

it is needed because it has to climb trees.

The soft gentle blanket enveloped your cool toes and provided needed warmth?


Birds like the heron flamingo and crane have separate toes for what?

lemme guess...... needed this for a science worksheet?

Why does the lion have strong claws that can be withdrawn inside their toes?

it is because the claws will get sharper by using only if needed.

What system of the divers body plays a role in keeping her balanced on her toes?


What was the reign of fire in world war 2?

it was when they all thought that they needed to rip off each others toes?

What are the most attractive toes?

Cute toes with nail polish on them! Depends on what you consider attractive. Long toes, short toes, fat toes, thin toes, toes with nail polish, toes with fake nails on, brown toes, white toes, red toes, etc... I'm partial to elephant toes!

What is Raynaud?

Raynaud's is a condition of the circulatory system in which blood vessels in the fingers and/or toes spasm in response to changes in temperature, which causes them to turn white and then blue as the supply of oxygen is diminished. Raynaud's may occur alone or be part of another condition. It is more common in women than men. It is a condition that must be managed rather than cured.

What are five systems of the human body?

1.nervous system (it controls everything from your toes to your heart) 2.circulatory system (makes the blood with the help of lungs) 3.respiratory system (collects oxygen with alveoli in the lungs) 4.digestive system (digests food, starts from the mouth, through the esophagus, then to the stomach, next the small intestine, finally the large intestine) 5.urinary system/renal system (produces, stores, and eliminates wastes from the body) There are other systems in the human body, for example the reproductive system. I do not know much about the reproductive system and the others at this current moment and I am uncomfortable talking about them. Thanks for reading! :)