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"Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." (I didn't plagorize, I used quotes)

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Q: How does the constitution define treason what must happen before a person is convisted a treason?
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What is only crime define by the constitution?

The only crime defined by the United States Constitution is treason. In order to convict a person of treason, you must have at least two witnesses.

Why do you think the Founders so carefully defined and limited the act of treason?

Nearly everything we see in the U.S. Constitution was in response to an abuse by the British government. The issue with treason under British rule was that treason was anything that the king did not like. Many personal enemies of the king were executed under "treason." This is why the founding fathers wanted to define and limit the act of treason.

What is high crime described in article three of the amendment?

The constitution does not really define what a high crime is, however scholars agree that bribery, perjury and treason all constitute a high crime.

Why does the Constitution specifically define treason?

Because it was included by the founding fathers and is considered a particularly heinous crime committed against the population of the entire nation, and not just a single individual or small group.

Why does the constitution define treason?

I believe it is because it is necessary for the Judges to know what the crime would be.

Can some one who publicly urges others to overthrow the Federal government be convicted of treason for that position?

It depends on the legislation of the country. In the US advocating the overthrow of the government is not treason as defined by Article III of the Constitution. It is a crime under U.S. Code Title 18, section 2385

Can you Define ratify?

Ratify is the constitution

Why do you need a written constitution?

There are innumerable benefits for a nation to have a written constitution. Here are some of the major ones: The constitution will define what powers the government has. The constitution will define all the rights of its citizens. The constitution will explain how to make changes to itself.

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What 3 charges can be brought in an impeachment trial?

The US Constitution cites Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. The last category is no doubt intentionally vague and is up to the House to define as they choose.

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the genetic constitution of an individual organism..