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The Arizona Dessert smells like sage and creosate.

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The afternoon desert air often smells like dust, but just after a rain or in the morning, it is very aromatic.

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Q: How does the desert smell?
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What smells would you smell in a desert?


How does the air smell and feel in the desert?

It depends on which desert you're in - you can smell the plants and the dirt, and those will smell different depending on which plants they are and what the dirt is composed of in the different deserts. In some deserts, you can smell salt or alkali or other minerals. You could also smell animals, and they'll be different in different deserts. You might even smell water if you're at an oasis or river.

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the desert horned lizard eats eagles.

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Sand and dirt...desert like

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Where does creosote bush grow?

Creosote bush or Larrea Tridentata grows in the Desert Southwest; it gives the desert rain its marvelous trademark smell

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# i wanna smell ur feet all over

Why do birds desert their eggs if people touch them?

Hi i know. If you thouch they abandon them because the smell of humans. It is actually not true that birds will desert eggs or chicks if a human has touched them. The olfactory sensors in birds are very small. They do not have a strong sense of smell. The maternal or paternal drive is much stronger than the sense of smell. If it appears that a bird has abandoned the nest, it is due more to false association on our part rather than any touching of the eggs or fledlings. This belief of abandonment due to human smell is an old wives tale.

What would you smell on a desert island?

Bit difficult seeing I've never been on a desert island, but i have been on an abandoned beach? It also depend on the whereabouts of the island. An island in the Atlantic is going to be different to an island in the Pacific, but I'm assuming you mean the stereotypical movie type islands. So in that case, you would smell plenty of sea saly, tropical plants (they give off an awful scent when they are heap of them) and perhps exotic scents like coconuts or bananas? Reall, it's what you imagine a desert island would be, what is on that island, and what they smell like

You drank urine by mistake and you have digestive issues what will happen to you?

Nothing. People drink urine when they are stuck in the desert and live. Urine is actually fine to drink....sounds gross but it did you ever get past the smell?????? :P Nothing. People drink urine when they are stuck in the desert and live. Urine is actually fine to drink....sounds gross but it did you ever get past the smell?????? :P

What are some desert biomes?

A few desert biomes:Antarctic Desert Sahara Kalahari Desert Namib Desert Arabian Desert That Desert Gobi Desert Chihuahuan Desert Great Basin Desert Mojave Desert Sonoran Desert Atacama Desert Patagonia Desert

What is one desert in the western hemisphere?

Atacama Desert Sechura Desert Patagonian Desert Chihuahuan Desert Mojave Desert Great Basin Desert Colorado Plateau Desert Sonoran Desert Guajira Desert Monte Desert