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Q: How does the direction in which current carrying wire is forced when in a magnetic field compare with the direction that moving charges are forced?
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Magnetic field compare with the direction that moving charges are forced?

Particles move with and across magnetic fields: F= evb = -ev.B + evxB = -evBcos(VB) + evBsin(vB). Currently scientists ignore the scalar force f= -ev.B this is the cause of trapped ions in the Earth's magnetosphere.

How do I know the direction of the torque acting on coil whether its vertical or horizontal?

To know the direction of the torque acting on the coil, whether the coil is vertical or horizontal, you will compare the direction of the magnetic force or its rotation to the direction of the coil. If the coil is vertical and the magnetic force is in the direction of the coil rotation, then the direction of the torque will be the same.

How can the magnetic field of the Earth be sued to estimate the age of rocks found in the Earth?

By knowing the precise orientation of the rocks magnetic field, you can compare its magnetic field direction to the known direction of the magnetic field over time since the "north pole" wanders over time. The rock locked in its magnetic field when it cooled from magma.

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How do you compare the direction of your partner's and your force?

How do protons and an electron compare?

They have opposite charges.

How do you compare magnetic moments of two magnets using deflection magnetometer?

introduce it in magnetic field.

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How does the direction of friction compare to the direction of Motion?

By definition, friction is opposite of the direction of motion.

How does the direction of friction compare to the direct motion?

The direction of the force of friction is opposite of the direction of the motion.

What are the applications of deflection magnetometer?

To compare the magnetic moments of two different bar magnets. To check the earth magetic moment. To verify inverse square law . Compare earth's magnetic induction . determine the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic induction .

How does the direction of the force of friction compare with direction of the motion of a vehicle?

It is in most cases opposite to the direction of motion.

Can I compare competitive electricity charges to choose a provider?

that would be winmeel