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Q: How does the disruption of food chain affects the estuaries?
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Why are etuaries important?

Because estuaries hold organisims which eat enery in a food chain.

What are the possible effects of food chain and food web on food production?

The question is not complete it should be " What are the possible effects of the disruption of food chain or food web on food production? "

What animal is hurting the food chain?

Not necessarily the food chain, but the zebra mussel affects many things including humans.

How does kaingin system affects the food chain?

by burning of course,the animals that in food chain are homeless or no habitat...or the other is dead

What may cause a horse extinction?

Disease, some people who eat horses, pollution, a disruption in their food chain...

What may cause the extinction of elephant?

Hunting for their tusks or for their meat and skin, disease, pollution/chemical poisoning, and a disruption in their food chain.

How industrial malpractices on the minamata bay tragedy lead to the disruption of the natural food chain in the area as well as the health profile of the people living in it?

It seems it show that the food chain is only limited And they receive small amount if energy

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the gulf of Mexico oil spill is affecting our food chain because it affects fish and a lot of other animals we eventually are going to run out of food.

If animals die how does it affect your food chain?

If an animal dies, it affects your food chain; because more animals will die and in the end all the food will run out for predators if they eat to much prey. If you are human it will also affect your food chain because you need meat in your diet.

Why do crocodiles stay away from estuaries?

Crocodiles stays from estuaries to protect themselves because whales sometimes swim near estuaries and they eat crocodiles for their food.

How does the cycling matter affect a food chain?

a cycling affects it cause the cycling isnt right at that time

Are Tamarin monkeys endangered?

They are critically endangered. There are 1000 left in the wild and 1800 left in captivity.