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A great example that our text emphasizes is the removal of the natural predators, wolves, mountain lions, and bears, from the white-tailed deer ecosystem. This removal resulted in an explosion of the deer's population, which resulted in overgrazing as well as other stresses this placed on the ecosystem's Natural Resources (plants, etc. that the white-tailed dear feeds on). The landscape was ravaged, as the effects of this overgrazing did not just affect the white-tailed dear, but every other living organism in that ecosystem.

The difference between threatened and endangered species is that an endangered species is at risk of becoming extinct. A threatened species is a were a species is likely to become endangered. In Florida one animal that is a threatened and endangered species is a sea turtle, and a key deer. Although man is one reason why species become threatened and endangered this is not the only reason. The environment, other animals, and global warming are also reasons why things may become endangered.

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6mo ago

The elimination of a species can have significant impacts on the ecosystem. It can disrupt the food chain, as the species may have been a predator or prey for other organisms. This can lead to imbalances in population sizes and cascading effects throughout the ecosystem. Additionally, the removal of a species can affect the availability of resources and alter the structure and function of the ecosystem.

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competitive exclusion

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Typically, the species that it ate overpopulate, and the ecosystem is disrupted.

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