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The endocrine system is fundamental for the body as it influences almost every cell and organ and their functions. By regulating the hormones secretions it determines metabolism, growth, reproduction, moods, etc. and keeps (or tries to keep in some cases) the body's internal environment stable.

An example is the secretion of oxytocin, triggered by the stretching of the uterus in childbirth, which stimulates contractions and speeds up labor. Another is the secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in presence of proteins which helps digestion... and so on.

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Q: How does the endocrine system keep the internal environment of the body stable?
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Which system regulates the internal and external environment?

The nervous system and the endocrine system work together to regulate the internal and external environment of the body. The nervous system uses electrical impulses to send signals quickly, while the endocrine system uses hormones to send chemical messages more slowly. Together, these systems monitor and adjust various bodily functions to maintain homeostasis.

The endocrine system is integrated with what other system to provide coordinated control of the organism?

Nervous and Endocrine system are working together to maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is a part of a system wherein it is needed to be balanced for your internal body will remain stable or in a good condition.

What is the maintenance of a stable environment called?

The process of maintaining a stable environment is called homeostasis. This process balances body temperature, fluid levels, metabolism, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar.

Controls the body by means of hormones?

the endocrine system

What factors make assessment of the endocrine system difficult?

The biggest factor that makes assessing the endocrine system challenging is that the endocrine glands are all internal. It can be hard to examine internal organs and glands, and even harder to measure their secretions.

What does the endocrine system maintain?

It control and coordinate the body system by maintaining internal homeostasis.

What is homeostosis?

what is homeotasis? according to my answering " It is the mentainiance of the internal body temperature, by a gland in the brain, that is nervous system

What homeostasis is AND Why it is important?

It is the property of a system that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition of properties like temperature or pH.

What helps to maintain a stable internal environment?

Homeostasis means to maintain a stable internal environment. Lack of homeostasis is disease. All of the body organs do this. They keep the systems working at a set range. Blood pressure, glucose levels, etc. The main organs involved are the liver, kidneys, lungs and nervous system.

You would know that the endocrine system deals with?

the internal secretion of hormones into the blood.

How are the nervous system and the endocrine system different?

The nervous system can affect only nearby cells. APEX

How do mollusks keep internal conditions stable?

Mollusks have an internal circulatory system that has something like a double flow. One flow is based around the environment outside the shell, while the other is centralized. This balance of the blood traveling throughout the body keeps the internal conditions of the mollusk stable.