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well it looks like you havnt gotten an answer so far so i suggest Surfing the web of prefixes and suffixes that should show you what you need to know

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Q: How does the environment relate to sustainability?
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What is the full form of DSE?

Department of sustainability & environment

What is the careful use of resources to reduce damage to the environment?

Sustainability. Conservation.

How does environment relate to evolution?

The environment is the natural selector.

How does sustainability relate to ecological issues?

Sustainability relates the ecological issues in a number of ways based on the sole fact that humans use nearly all of the natural resources in this world to depletion.

What is the difference between sustainability and conservation?

Sustainability basically means to use something wisley, the environment in particular, and ensure it does not run out of resources. Conservation is the action of preserving, protecting or restoring something, again the environment in particular.

What is sustainability and describe why it is goal of environment science?

Sustainability is the balance between consumption and production of natural goods. It is a goal of many scientific disciplines to find a human balance with the environment so we don't irreparably damage our planet.

What is the philosophy of having minimal impact on the environment call?

The philosophy of having minimal impact on the environment is"leave no trace"Sustainability.

How are animals affected without sustainability?

Without sustainability, resources in an environment won't be taken care of properly, therefore, any resources an animal may need in and environment won't be there so the will either have to adapt, move, or will eventually die out.

What are the historical patterns surrounding sustainable and unsustainable human interactions with the environment?

Historical patterns of sustainability can be traced to the earliest civilizations that are documented. Unattainability occurs in the environment as areas become overcrowded, but storing needed items can help with sustainability.

What behaviors that threaten environmental sustainability?

Environment sustainability is threatened by overpopulation. It is also threatened by over-use of land for growing the same crops, or overuse of land for grazing livestock.

How does oceans relate to the environment?

Animals (fish) live in the ocean, which makes it an environment.

What is the goal of businesses conducting environmental sustainability?

Businesses practicing environmental sustainability seek to do no harm to the environment while at the same time remaining profitable through the products and services they sell.