

How does the epiglottis protect us?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How does the epiglottis protect us?
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How does the epiglottis?

epiglottis closed up to protect food from entering the lungs

What structure closes over the trachea to protect it during swallowing?

The epiglottis.

The flap of tissue that closes when you swallow to protect you from choking is the?


The flap of tissue that closes when you swallow to protect you from choking?

It is called the Epiglottis. If you talk while eating, your epiglottis and your esophagus are open, so instead of going down the esophagus, it goes down the epiglottis. Have you ever heard someone say 'It went down the wrong tube' when you choke? This is what they mean.

How do the glottis of a frog and the epiglottis of the human protect the respiratory system in each animal?

They both protect food from going into the lungs.

What is a flap of tissue that closes the passage to the trachea and lungs?

It is the epiglottis.

What is a flap of tissue that seals off your windpipe preventing food from entering?

That's your epiglottis.

Is also known as the guardian of the airways?


What prevents food entering trachea when swallowing?

The epiglottis prevents the food you eat from entering the trachea.

What structure closes off the entrance to the larynx and trachea which prevents food or liquid from entering the respiratory system?

When swallowing, the epiglottis closes off the trachea to direct food down the esophagus.

How does EPIGLOTTIS protect the respiratory system?

The epiglottis protects the trachea, which handles breathing. When you swallow food, the epiglottis covers the entrance to the trachea so food doesn't get in. Occasionally small bits of food do get in, and that's when you hear people say things like "My food/drink just went down the wrong pipe." Fortunately, for small bits of food like this, coughing it up is usually enough to expel it.

When was Hakea epiglottis created?

Hakea epiglottis was created in 1805.