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The esophagus and brain work together when you swallow and move your food to your stomach. Did you realize that you do that with a coordinated effort of your nervous system, digestive system, and muscular system? Probably not because it happens automatically. After you swallow a reflex mechanism takes over and the smooth muscles in your esophagus move the food down with peristaltic contractions.

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Q: How does the esophagus work with the brain?
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Which part is responsible for the vital functions of the esophagus?


What other organs work with the esophagus?

Just a lucky guess.. The answer to "what other organ work with the esophagus?" is.. The "male organ?"

Which part is responsible for the vital function of the esophagus?

the brain i don't known the answer maybe my answer is right

What are the seven major organs?

brain, heart, lungs, kidney, esophagus , stomach, intestines.

Muscles that you cannot cantrol?

You cannot control the muscles in your heart and brain, and also your lungs, because they work automatically.

What system of the body does esophagus work with?

digestive system

What part of the body does food addiction affect?

the liver, the brain, the heart and sometimes it can cause esophagus cancer.

What organs are in the head?

Brain (along with the glands that go with it), eyes, muscles, esophagus, beginning of the pharynx, teeth

How does esophagus work with other systems?

The esophagus works with other systems of the body by transporting food down to the stomach so it can be digested.

What is the function of osephagus?

the ESOPHAGUS is a tube in the throat which food goes down when you swallow. (swallowing is mostly involuntary because the esophagus is made of smooth muscle, a type of muscle that works without control of the brain.) The food goes down into the stomach. On the top half of the esophagus is a sphincter, as well as on the bottom half. they help close off the esophagus.

Names of some organs?

The heart, pancreas, skin, kidneys, lungs, esophagus, and the brain, among others, are all organs.

Systems that work with the brain?

every system works with the brain, your brain is what sends the signals for the systems of the body to work.