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The food moves in the food pipe because muscles push it down into the stomach.

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I use my dick to push it down your mother's throat

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Q: How does the food move down the esophagus?
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The muscles in the esophagus move the food down into the stomach.

Where are two other places that the food can go down?

muscles lining the esophagus move in a wavelike motion, oushing the food through the esophagus and into the stomach

What the propulsion the the esophagus?

Propulsion of the esophagus is just a term for the way the cilia within the mucus lining of the esophagus move food down it into the stomach. You could swallow upside-down because of this.

What happens to food when it goes down the esophagus?

the food is then forced down the esophagus.

What is the function of the ossophagus?

The function of the esophagus is to move food from the mouth to te stomach. It is muscles that move the swallowed food slowly down and into your stomach

What tastes food and moves it around in the mouth to be broken down by the teeth and saliva?

Food moves from the mouth to the stomach through the esophagus. A combination of gravity and small muscles in the esophagus causes the food to move.

Tube carrying food from the mouth to he stomach?

The digestive system the esophagus. Food goes from your mouth and goes down your esophagus then to the stomach blood goes around the food and the liver takes what the blood absorbed down

What goes through your esophagus?

The food that that you chew is what goes down your esophagus.

Which tube does food go down from?

Food goes down the esophagus.

What is it called when food is going down the esophagus?

The chewed up lump of food is known as a bolus.

What is the function of the esophagus in sharks?

the esophagus it a tube like food passage it takes food down into the stomach

How quickly does food move through your esophagus?

2-3 sec. it takes 4-8 minutes for food to trvel down the esophagus