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Q: How does the food taste when the nose is closed?
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Can you tell which food is which by keeping your eyes closed and nose plugged?

Even with the eyes closed and nose plugged, you should be able to tell the basics of most foods, that is, whether each is sweet, salty, sour, etc. The taste buds give sense of taste, not the nose or eyes. So, yes, you should be able to distinguish and name most foods by taste, texture, thickness vs. thinness, etc.

what job do the nose?

The nose (nasal passages) help to filter the air. You also taste food with your nose. Try holding your nose while eating you won't be able to taste your food.

Doe food taste better when you eat it with your eyes closed?

yes it scientifically is proven that food taste better with your eyes closed.

Why you only get full taste of some food when you chew it well?

Because when you chew it, your taste buds react and they send messages to the brain telling what the food is like. Your nose also tastes food with its smelling power, so if you hold your nose, the food will taste different.

Why can't you taste anything when your nose is closed don't you taste with your tongue?

Your tongue has five distinct "flavors" it can detect. Bitter, sweet, sour and salty, and something Asians call "umami". Your olfactory nerves (nose) can detect THOUSANDS of "flavors". You can taste "something" when your nose is closed off, however it is limited severely by your turning off most of your detection equipment.

Can you taste better with your nose plugged or not plugged?

you can taste food, but it tastes bland. your nose helps you differenciate tastes. plugging your nose cuts off the oxygen going to your olfactory senses, which is a componet to being able to taste food.

What job does the nose do?

It cleans the air that you breath in.And your mouth does not So you can smell, taste, breathe, and catch dust and bateria so it doesn't harm your body.

How do you perceive foods?

You perceive the taste of food with both your tongue and your nose.

Why does food taste better when it can be smelled?

Because if you have a blocked nose cant taste da food and if you dont have a blocked if taste without smell tastelike different if dont smell.

How can you get the smell and taste from food?

u smell it with ur nose and u taste with ur tongue when u lick it

Are there taste buds in your nose?

No, there are no taste buds in your nose.

What are a few reasons why plugging your nose while eating affects the way food tastes?

your sense of taste is greatly affected by you nose because the air you breath through your nose passes over your tongue so you "taste" the air