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Less wavelength implies more frequency. The product of wavelength x frequency is always the speed of the wave - in this case, the speed of light.

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Q: How does the frequency of a gamma ray change as tis wavelength decreases?
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What does increasing the frequency of X or Gamma ray do to its wavelength?

Increasing the frequency of any electromagnetic wave ... or of any wave for that matter ... decreases its wavelength.

Does gamma rays have a low frequency and a short wavelength?

No. Gamma rays have a high frequency, and a short wavelength.

How does the frequency of a gamma wave change as the wavelength decreases?

For any electromagnetic wave, from the highest gamma wave to the lowest radiowave, the product of (frequency) times (wavelength) is always the 'speed of light'in whatever substance the waves happen to be waving along at the moment.So if the wavelength of any of them should decrease, for whatever reason, itsfrequency would have to increase, in order to keep the product constant.

If the frequency of an electromagnetic wave decreases what will the wavelength do?

It will become longer, and it will carry less energy, its also likely, that if the change or loss in frequency is enough, the radiation will become a different type of electromagnetic radiation in the spectrum like gamma to x-rays or visible light to infrared and so on.

Moving along the electromagnetic spectrum from radio waves to gamma rays frequency increases so wavelength?

The wavelength decreases.The speed of light is the speed of all electromagnetic radiation (such as radio waves, light waves, gamma rays, etc.) in vacuum.The speed of light (c) is a physical constant with the exact value of 299,792,458 m/s.speed of light = frequency x wavelengthso when frequency increases, wavelength decreases .

What waves have the shortest wavelength in the highest frequency?

Gamma waves

What are the electromagnetic waves with the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequency called?

Gamma Rays

What waves have the shortest wavelenght?

Gamma rays are the waves with the shortest wavelength. The waves having highest frequency have the shortest wavelength. As gamma rays have the highest frequency starting from 10^19 and onwards so they have the shortest wavelength starting from 10^-11 and decreasing.

What frequency have the shortest wavelength?

For light they would be gamma rays, or waves with a frequency greater than 1 * 10^20 (10000000000000000000) Hz. And really, as a general rule, the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. If you want to calculate the frequency or wavelength you take the speed of light (~3.00*10^8 m/s) and divide it by either the frequency or wavelength, and your answer will be the wavelength (if you used frequency) or the frequency (if you used wavelength).

Order the types of waves from lowest frequency and wavelength to the highest?

There are many types of waves, but the main ones are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light waves, ultraviolet waves, x-rays, and gamma rays. Radio waves have the longest wavelength and lowest frequency. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency.

Does UV light have the highest energy?

The shortest wavelengths have the most energy because it has the highest frequency. A high energy light will have a shorter wavelength than a low energy light. If the wavelength goes down, then the frequency goes up. When calculating energy in the equation, E=hv, frequency (v) is the variable, not the wavelength. So in the equation, if you wanted a more energy (E), you would have the frequency be large. For the frequency to be big, then the wavelength has to be low. So no UV light doesn't have the most energy Gamma rays do though.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest frequency?

If by greatest frequency you mean highest frequency, we know that the upper end of the electromagnetic spectrum has the greatest frequency. This is the home to the gamma rays. They have the highest frequency, shortest wavelength, and the greatest energy.