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Hicks with rifles.

That is an uneducated, biased opinion. Educate yourselves prior to deciding it is only 'hicks with rifles' who hunt wolves.

Canadian Gray Wolves are devastating the Western United States ungulate populations. A controlled hunt season to bring numbers in check is reasonable, as it is with other predators.

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Mainly if it's in the tundra is the polar bear, and the grizzly bear.

Bears will try to kill a wolf if they feel their cubs in danger, but they will not eat them.

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Q: How does the gray wolf hunt down its prey?
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How do gray wolf get there energy?

A pack of grey wolves get their energy from the prey they hunt down and kill.

What are the gray wolf's biggest threats?

We are the treats.We hunt them trap them, plow down their homes, pollute the waters.Some of the wolves' prey can kill a wolf, such as the large moose, or an elk, but they don't "hunt" the wolves, they just fight for their lives.Humans hunting or threatning them.

What is a gray wolf's prey?


Is a gray wolf a prey or predator?

In general terms a gray wolf is a predator, while the animal it is hunting is the prey. If someone or something were hunting the wolf, it would become prey. Example: The gray wolf is hunting a rabbit.--wolf predator, rabbit prey Example: The man is hunting a grey wolf.--man predator, wolf prey

When does the gray wolf hunt?

They grey wolf will hunt early in the day or late at night.

How does a Mexican Wolf hunt its prey?

They usually chase down their prey in a pack format. They will also pounce on unwary mice, and even insects.

What could hunt down a wolf?

No animal could or would hunt down a wolf, except a human who is hunting a wolf for its hide. In the natural world (humans not included), wolves are apex predators, not prey, so they are the hunters, hardly (or never, rather) the hunted.

Is the gray wolf classified as a predator or prey?

Wolves are predators.

Gray wolf instinct?

Instincts for the gray wolf are when it is hungry to hunt and fall completely to it's instincts!

How do spider monkey hunt?

The Wolf spider hunts at night . It eats insects and other spiders. It can chase its prey down. It can see prey from a distance of about 25 cm. This spider will stalk its prey

How does a gray wolf eat an elk?

In order for a gray wolf to eat an elk, it must first kill its prey, then proceed to place such elk in ones teeth where it will be broken down by enzymes and teeth into smaller bits of elk, then the gray wolf will swallow said elk, then proceed to subconciously digest it.

What kinds of animals hunt gray wolves?

Very few predators hunt grey wolves. Man is the grey wolf's worst predator. Other wolves will hunt down weaker wolves.