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The human body creates synovial fluid, which is found in our joints. This is a lubricating fluid, which reduces friction. When a joint loses its synovial fluid, bones can touch each other, which causes joint pain. This can be alleviated medically by having a series of joint injections with an artificial synovial fluid called hyaluronic acid. There are two common supplements, which are also used to reduce joint friction, glucosamine and chondroitin.

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9y ago

Lubrication and/or bearings, of various types, were the new techniques adopted by human beings to reduce energy loss due to friction.

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Q: How does the human body reduce friction?
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The human body must lubricate for intercourse to reduce the friction of genitalia.

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These types of fish alway use MUCUS to cover their body, and to help reduce friction.

How does the body cut down friction at joints?

There is a thick liquid produced in the joint spaces to cushion and reduce friction. This viscous fluid is called synovial fluid.

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A car will have aerodynamic features to reduce forces of friction and drag. A sleek body style will help do this.

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by applying water on the floor.

What are the new techniques being adopted by human beings to reduce energy losses due to friction?

Lubrication and/or bearings, of various types, were the new techniques adopted by human beings to reduce energy loss due to friction.

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To reduce friction. making the body streamlined makes the fluid friction less.

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Sand can both increase and decrease friction depending on the situation. In some cases, sand can act as an abrasive and increase friction by providing more surface area for objects to interact with, like in sandpaper. On the other hand, sand can also reduce friction when it acts as a lubricant, allowing objects to slide or roll more easily over a surface.

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How do skiers reduce friction?

Skiers reduce friction by waxing the base of their skis, which helps them glide more smoothly over the snow. Additionally, skiers can also adjust their body position and movements to minimize resistance and increase speed. Also, using properly maintained equipment and choosing the right wax for the snow conditions can help reduce friction.

How can you reduce and increase friction?

To reduce friction, you can use lubricants to create a smooth surface between objects in contact. To increase friction, you can increase the force pushing the objects together or use materials with rough surfaces that grip each other more firmly.

What is an example of reducing friction is important in the moving parts of machinery?

Reducing friction in moving parts of machinery is important to prevent wear and tear, increase efficiency, and extend the lifespan of the equipment. One example is applying lubricants such as oils or greases to create a protective barrier between surfaces, reducing friction and allowing parts to move smoothly.