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Q: How does the ixora flower make it self more easily seen by insects?
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How does the tiny ixora flower make itself more easily seen by insects?

By making a sweet scent

What are the specialised cells in a flower?

because then it can make the flower attract insects very well.

Does a ixora plant make a smell yes or no?

No it does not make a smell

What happens after the flower is pollinated by insects?

To make its own seed and reproduce

How does the hibiscus flower make itself attractive to insects?

Many flowers, like the hibiscus have evolved to attract insects by traits such as bright colors and attractive smells.

What attracts insects to make them go from one flower to another?

Colors and scents.

How a dandelion reproduces?

Like most flowers, dandelions reproduce with the help of insects who pollinate the flower, transferring pollen from the male part of the flower to the female part of the flower. The flower is then able to produce seeds to make new flowers.

What are some characteristics of flowers that draw insects to them and how the visits of insects help flowering plants to survive?

Flowers have bright colors that attract many kinds of insects, including bees. Daily visits help the flower pass pollen to another flower, which helps make more seeds. Wind is another way that flowers pass pollen.

Why would a flower garden be a likely place to find a toad?

a toads food is in the flower garden so they like to make their nest by the garden

How does a flower get its smell?

The petals of the flower are the source of the fragrances. The petals house tiny glands that produce essential, or volatile, oils that vaporize easily, often releasing a distinctive aroma. One flower can make dozens of different essential oils, which mingle to yield the flower's unique fragrance.

Will toads eat petunia flowers?

Toads eat insects and slugs. A single toad could eat 10,000 insects in a summer. This is why many gardeners make toad homes in their flower beds.

What is the purpose of a flower petal?

The purpose of the petals is to attract animals to the flower so that they can distribute the its pollen to other flowers for fertilization and participate in pollination.