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Q: How does the letter from viriginia indicate the importance of tobacoo in Virginia?
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What crops grow in delware?

they grow corn,tobacoo,and cotton

Which plant became the first cash crop in colonial America?

It was Tobacoo

How do people get addicted to tobacoo?

There is a drug called nicotine which is very addictive

What two kinds of smoke produced by tobacoo?

1. minstream smoke2.passive smoke

Is tobacoo is harmful for a diabetic man?

Yes, tobacco is harmful to diabetics and non diabetics.

What are blackfoot crops?

They grew tobacoo for ceremonial purposes. They also usedit to drug littlekids andother racist people.

What were major industries in the southern colonies?

The industries of the southern colonies were fishing, cash crops, such as tobacoo, rice, and indigo.

How did John Rolfe change life at Jamestown?

by introducing tobacoo as a cash crop

In terms of metabolism why is net uptake of co2 slightly lower than o2 evolution in tobacoo plants?

Ou ema :)

Who found tobacoo?

On October 15, 1492, Christopher Columbus was offered dried tobacco leaves as a gift from the American Indians that he encountered