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The long narrow shape of cells in the palisade layer adapt the cells to their major by shedding whatever isn't needed and growing what is needed to be able to function in their area.

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Q: How does the long narrow shape of cells in the palisade layer adapt the cells to their major function?
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The long narrow cells located directly beneath the upper epidermis are called palisade parenchyma cells?


what are palisade cells?

Palisade cells are plant cells located on the leaves

What is the function of the leafs palisade layer?

The palisade layer of the leaf consists of orderly arranged cells. The palisade layer contains most of the chloroplast in the cell. Also the ordered arrangement of the cells minimises the cell wall, thus facilitating maximum absorption of light, needed for photosynthesis.

Why does a palisade cell have a cell wall?

Really all cells have a cell wall, this gives them soport and protection from bacteria, only having the virus as a threat

Where are the palisade mesophyll cells located?

The palisade mesophyll organ belongs to the leaf organ.

What is a palisade cell designed for?

Palisade is designed for plant cells

Cells can function?

only in a narrow range of temperature and pH.

Where are oils and fats stored in a palisade cell?

Palisade cells are present in the leaves of many plants. In palisade cells, oils and fats are stored in the cell membrane.

How are palisade cells specialized?

palisade cells are special for photosynthesis. photosynthesis needs a green chemical called chloroplasts. without chloroplasts the palisade cells would never be able to get sunlight and live.

What is the column like cells that lie under the epidemis?

Palisade cells are the column like cells that lie just under the epidermis. Palisade layer is one layer of the mesophyll.

What is the function of a paliside cell?

Palisade cells normally exist as one closely packed row and contain many chloroplasts. During the hours of daylight palisade cells are photosynthetic, using the energy of the sun to create carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide.

What is the function of the palisade?

They absorb the light needed for photosynthesis.