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Q: How does the long tail help the sperm do its job?
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What are the adaptations of a sperm cell to be good at there job?

A sperm cell has a long tail to help it swim to the egg. A mid-piece which contains mitrochondria to release energy needed to make the tail move. The sperm tip contains enzymes to break through the egg cell membrane to fertilise the egg.

How does the shape of a sperm cell suit its job?

sperm is divided into three parts the head middle piece and tail.. head has a special structure called acrosome which secrete certain chemicals which helps in penetrating the ova.. secondly the middle piece has mitochondria which supply energy the last one tail help in navigation and swift movement

How does the sperm cells shape help it do its job?

Eat a niggler dick.

How are sperm cells adapted to carry out their job?

fuq u

How does the shape of the sperm cell help it carry out its job?

It doesn't really help it at all. The sperm cell carries DNA from the male's body int the female's, so it can make a child. The shape doesn't help because it digs into the egg o it can fertilize it. My only other *guess* would be that the shape is thin and long, so it can travel around easier.

Who is a sperm cell well apapted for its job?

because its got a tail to swim and the egg doesnt well done for getting this right

Does warm water help the sperm?

Warm water does not help sperm. If it is cool enough it will have no effect, but if it is warm enough it can damage the sperm in the testicles. Sperm are pretty sensitive to increased temperatures, and this is why they reside in the scrotum. The job of the scrotum is to keep the testicles a few degrees cooler than the rest of the body.

What is the job of the glands in the male reproductive system?

To produce sperm to fertilze the eggs in the womans cervix ussally . And support the penis somehow idk

What is the job of enzymes sperm cell its homeworkhomework and I'm stuck can anyone help me?

Firstly it's just homework and it enables the sperm to break through the cell membrane of an egg to fertilise it

What is the role of sperms?

The role of sperm is to donate the half genetic material to make a complete diploid individual. It has a tail which help it to swim or to reach to the ova- the female cell. In the head portion there are certain enzymes which can digest the membrane of ova so it can do its job.

What is a sperm cell's job?

A sperm cell's job is to fertilize a woman's egg cells for the purpose of creating a child.

Why should sperm count for the man be high for fertilization to occur?

It's a long swim for a microscopic sperm to make and even if the egg is fertile only one does the job. Higher fertility is improved but having more swimmers in the race so the higher the sperm count the more likely one will have the skill to get the job done.