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Q: How does the loss of forest contribute to global warming?
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Does loss of species affect global warming?

This is doubtful, or dubious; yet the opposite is a certainty.

Is global warming worse than war?

Comparing global warming to war is difficult because they are different types of issues with different impacts. While wars can have immediate and direct consequences in terms of human suffering and loss of life, global warming has long-term effects on the planet, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and damage to ecosystems. Both global warming and war have significant negative consequences, and it is important to address and mitigate the impacts of both.

What do wolves have to do with global warming?

Scientists can use wolves as 'indicators' to learn more about global warming by their migration patterns and hunting patterns. Depending on what they hunt and when can tell you more about global warming, because of the limited amounts of certain animals that the wolves eat. Also, you can tell by where they are going, like if prey is short in a certain area, they will move, so scientists know then that something is causing the animals to die or go somewhere else, which is often the effect of global warming. This mostly goes for arctic wolves, because the ice is melting, so their prey is dying off because of the habitat loss.

Is global warming affecting the Siberian tiger?

It is impossible to know exact figures.The wildlife site AllAboutWildlife reports:"Siberian tigers have also been losing habitat to increasing human activity-primarily logging and road-building-as well as to changes brought about by global warming. Drier, hotter conditions, along with frequent, devastating forest fires, have been a major effect of climate change on tiger habitat."Scientists report in the journal Mammalian Biologythat the Siberian tiger population is down to an effective list of fourteen animals.The Siberian tiger was driven to the brink mainly by poaching, habitat loss and illegal trade in animal parts.

How can global warming kill people?

Realistically, global warming is a needed event. Without this warming we would be dead. The concept of man contributing is different. The warming we have seen of of over 0.2 degrees since 1934 has been blamed on man by many political groups that ignore the fact the planet has been warming for 10,000 years.0.2 degrees of warming is not going to kill people. There is no evidence of an increase in storms. Polar bears are not dieing because of the weather and much of the horror stories you hear about the issue are pretty much that, stories.A:It is difficult to attribute specific deaths to global warming. As glaciers vanish, it seems likely deaths will result from the loss of rivers that serve as drinking water. Global warming will cause (and may already have caused) intensified storm activity, but it is beyond our capability to attribute any specific storm to global warming. Sea level rise is a serious concern, but it will likely take decades for ocean levels rising as a result of ocean warming to affect more than small, low-lying mid-ocean islands. Droughts and heatwaves are difficult to specifically attribute to global warming, but will intensify in some areas and those can lead to deaths.

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Global warming!! ( AARRGHHH!)

What are some lyrics for a global warming song?

CO2 - Boo-Hoo for You; Oceans Neglected are Oceans Rejected; CO2 - We need You less and less; release Us from Your Loss Projected; Methane ... You only contribute to how Our Loss will be Affected; People ... You only contribute to how Our Losses will be Affected and Effected.

From what are polar bears at risk?

loss of ice due to global warming

Are the ice caps really causing global warming?

No, but the ice caps would be affected by global warming and their loss would cause global warming to accelerate. When the ice caps melt the sea level rises causing countries to become smaller in size.

Does loss of species affect global warming?

This is doubtful, or dubious; yet the opposite is a certainty.

How could penguins become extinct?

Through loss of habitat caused by global warming.

How does Changing area under Forest has its impact on Environment?

you can write about loss of habitat of animals, soil erosion, less rains causing droughts, deforestation, excess co2 in the atmosphere, global warming etc.

What puts them on the Endangered species list?

environmental pollution, hunting, loss of habitat, global warming.

What are the ill effects of defforestation?

Global warming, species/habitat loss, cultural genocide are a few of them.

How does global warming effect chimpanzees?

Global warming may eventually be responsible for the loss of 50 percent of chimpanzee habitat. Rising temperatures mean the chimps have to rest more, causing them to eat less.

Does the Grand Canyon have any problems?

The Grand Canyon faces many problems, such as drought, water loss, rain loss, and global warming.

What is most likely consequences of cutting down rain forests?

Loss of wildlife,global warming,erosion....these are but a few.