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It is not clear that the marriage views of everyone today are the same. And it is not clear at all that Romeo and Juliet's marriage was typical of their time (whatever that was) either. Contrast Romeo and Juliet's views on marriage with those of Capulet, or even more so, of Paris. For Paris, marriage was a commercial transaction: he wanted "the chinks" and made a deal with Juliet's father. Or contrast Juliet's views with those of the Nurse. The Nurse had the "easy marriage, easy divorce" attitude: if Juliet's marriage with Romeo wasn't working out, it was time to move on. This is a not uncommon attitude these days. Romeo and Juliet pledged themselves to each other for their lives and beyond death. That was an unusual attitude then, and it still is, but it is not unheard of.

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Romeo and Juliet's marriage was based on passion and rushed without much consideration for practical or long-term consequences, in contrast to many modern marriages that involve more careful planning, communication, and consideration of compatibility. Additionally, Romeo and Juliet's marriage was seen as a way to defy their families, highlighting the societal and familial pressures that influenced their relationship, which may not be as prevalent in modern marriages.

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Q: How does the marriage views of Romeo and Juliet marriage contrast to the marriages we have today?
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