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Scientists believe cats lick their humans to show affection as we show them through petting. But that's about it....................

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Q: How does the mom cat take care of its kitten?
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How do you tigers look after their young?

Just like any cat they care for their kittens, but kitten stays with mom for 2 years.

What not to feed your kittens?

Aspirin and any food, medicine, or eating or drinking material for humans, dogs, or any animal besides a cat. Feed it water, healthy kitten or cat food or let its mom take care of them.

How do you take care of a baby cat with no mom?

dont kill it :)

How do you get your mom to get a cat mine woln't let me keep a orange underweight kitten that has deformed back legs help how do i get her to say yes to keeping it.?

This is not the answer you want... but it is not a good idea to adopt a kitten if your mother does not want cats in the house. Even more so if the kitten has health problems - it is very difficult and expensive to take care of a sick cat, so you would need the full support of your parents.

How do mom tigers take care of there baby's?

They care for kittens the same way your house cat cares for her kittens.

How do you call a kitten like a mom cat?

Just meow, they'll catch on..

How do cat take care of their young ones?

Female cats will give milk and clean their kittens but the dads will not do much and in most cases, nothing at all. The mom cat will grab the kitten's scruff to move it to other places, they will usually rest in corners without predators and where humans can't reach or can hardly reach.

How do you get your mom to buy you a kitten?

you give her resons y she should give u one. mom give me a cat cause......

If you feed a 2 day old kitten will it affect it from nursing on the mom?

no,but really a kitten should start eating from cat food is when the mother

How can you convince your mom to let you buy a kitten?

First, you have to make certain that your family can afford a kitten - they are quite expensive when you figure in the food and the litter and the vet bills and the shots and licenses and everything.Second, you have to show your mom that you are responsible enough for a pet. Take the responsibility for your chores and your schoolwork and show her that you are mature enough to be able to take care of a kitten. She's not going to get a pet if you end up being a baby and making her take care of it all the time and change the litter box.

How cat take care of their young ones?

Female cats will give milk and clean their kittens but the dads will not do much and in most cases, nothing at all. The mom cat will grab the kitten's scruff to move it to other places, they will usually rest in corners without predators and where humans can't reach or can hardly reach.

Did you hurt the mom cat by throwing away kitten placentas?

Not really. The mother cat will usually eat the kitten placentas and will, as a result, get back a small amount of the protein she has expended in creating the kittens. But there is nothing special about the placentas, and depriving the mother cat of them will not hurt her.