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Representative elements will gain or loose electrons until the atom has 8 electrons in its outer most shell or ( outer most electron level).

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Q: How does the octet rule determine the lose or gain of electrons by representative elements?
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How does an elements position on the periodic table determine the type of reaction it will be involved in?

Octet means that there are 8 electrons and its neutral. Electrons will bond to get a full octet.

What rule is it when representative elements form bonds until they have eight electrons in their valance shells?

The octet rule also known as the rule of eight

What is the most stable outer orbital arrangement of electrons after a chemical reaction?

The most stable outer orbital arrangement of electrons after a chemical reaction is 8 electrons. This is referred to as the octet rule in representative elements.

What is a representative element with eight electrons in its valence shells is called?


What is the maximum number of electrons that a representative element can possess?

8 so then it is an Octet.

What does it mean if an elements has 8 valence electrons?

it has a full octet

How many electrons are in a complete octet why is having a complete octet important?

eight. it is important to obtain octet so that elements become stable.

What is significant of octet rule?

The octet rule is the tendency of many chemical elements to have eight electrons in the valence shell.

What family has complete octet of valence electrons?

Noble gasses have the complete octet of valence electrons. The are in the family 18 of the periodic table. They are unlikely to react with other elements.

Law of octet?

The chemical elements tend to have 8 electrons in the valence shell.

What isOctet rule for electrons?

The octet rule is the tendency of many chemical elements to have eight electrons in the valence shell.

What group of elements has a staple number of electrons in their outer energy level?

Group 18 elements have a stable octet.