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They don't. Britain already had an empire, and its future growth wouldn't be in China. The first war was fought to prevent an adverse merchandise trade balance by forcing China to admit British-supplied drugs. The second was a pure act of British loutishness without even the deplorable economic motivation of the first. Britain won both but took only Hong Kong and an unjust but modest indemnity. Trade was the prize, not empire.

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Q: How does the opium war explain why Britain wanted an empire?
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Why did the opium trade exist?

Bc Britain wanted to trade their opium for china’s tea

Why did Great Britain imperialize china?

They wanted to expand their global empire and open their markets to Far East goods, specifically silk and opium.

Which of these best explains why the British were eager to end the ban on opium in China?

The British wanted to trade opium for China's resources.

When did the first opium war start?

The first opium war began, in very brief words, because China wanted to control the importing of Opium from Britain, and Britain was not a fan since its largest export to China was Opium and imported tea.

Cause and result of the First Opium War in China?

It was that Britain wanted tea so they started trading with China. Unfortunately, China only wanted gold. It was an uneven trade so Britain started trying to trade with Opium, but China did not want Opium so Britain declared war. The Chinese were not that hi-tech so they lost the war and Britain got Hong kong. It was really sad because their armor was wood which was not enough to stop a bullet.

What two countries fought in the Opium Wars?

First Opium War

Who won the Opium War the Chinese or the British?

The British won the first and second Opium War.

What product did the Chinese want from British?

The Chinese wanted opium!

Did the Chinese start a war because they didn't tell anybody how to make silk?

No. China did not start the Opium wars. The Opium wars were started by the British, who desperately wanted Chinese products, but were not able to get any because the Chinese people were not interested in British imports. Britain finally discovered Opium, and quickly got the Chinese population addicted. When the emperor of the time banned Opium, Britain attacked China, which launched the Opium wars.

Who was in the opium wars?

Britain and China

Who won the Opium Wars?


What was the result of Britain making money in the opium trade with China?

China declared a ban on opium trading and ordered Britain to stop