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A Medieval name for a preacher who collected money offerings for a religious building in return for religious favours

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Q: How does the pardoner earn money?
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Who would be the modern-day pardoner?

psychiatrist. a pardoner and psychiatrist both listen to peoples problems for money but are they really concerned about the money or is it all about the money they make?....

How sound is the psychology used by the Pardoner to extort money in The Pardoner's Tale?

The psychology used by the Pardoner in "The Pardoner's Tale" to extort money is manipulative and plays on people's fears and desires. He uses persuasive techniques, such as fear-mongering and guilt-tripping, to convince people to part with their money in exchange for false promises of salvation. His tactics rely on exploiting vulnerabilities and capitalizing on the weaknesses of his audience.

What does the Pardoner do after finishing his tale?

The Pardoner tries to sell relics and pardons.

What does the pardoner do to earn a living?

The Pardoner earns a living by selling indulgences and fake relics, exploiting people's religious beliefs and guilt. He travels around town to town, preaching about the consequences of sin and offering people a chance to buy their way to salvation.

What is the central irony in The Pardoner's Tale?

The central irony in The Pardoner's Tale is that the Pardoner preaches about vices and their terrible existence while having a huge vice of his own. When the Pardoner tells his tale, he speaks of his false preaching to make money and he speaks against gluttony and drinking but then leaves his sermons to be with multiple women.

Does the pardoner say he is a personal friend of the pope?

Makes a lot of money selling junk

Pardoner earns money from?

he was a medieval preacher delegated to raise money for religious works by soliciting offerings and granting indulgences

What was a pardoner like in the middle ages?

In the Middle Ages, a pardoner was a church official authorized to sell papal indulgences, which were documents that granted forgiveness of sins. Pardoners were often seen as corrupt and greedy, as they would sometimes exploit people's fears of damnation to make money. Chaucer's "The Pardoner's Tale" is a famous literary depiction of a pardoner's questionable morals and actions.

Which character has a name indicating the abstract idea he represents in pardoners tale?

Death represents death.

What purpose does a tariff serve?

The purpose of a revenue tariff is to earn money for the govrnment.

How are the parson and the pardoner the same?

The Parson and the Pardoner both hold religious roles in Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales." However, they differ in their morals and behaviors. The Parson is portrayed as a devout and sincere clergyman, while the Pardoner is depicted as corrupt and hypocritical, making money by selling fake relics and pardons.

Which two pilgrims does the narrative characterizes as obsessed with money in Canterbury Tales?

The two pilgrims characterized as obsessed with money in Canterbury Tales are the Pardoner and the Summoner. The Pardoner is known for selling fake relics for profit, while the Summoner accepts bribes to overlook people's sins. Both characters prioritize wealth over spiritual integrity.