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for every key, there is a string in the back. When you hit the key, the key makes a hitter bounce of the string

For a start,,, a PIANO does not vibrate and create a sound, its components resonate in sympathy for the frequency being created by the action, which is the key being struck, then the hammer striking the string/s(very simply put!).

For every key on a piano, there is a hammer inside. When a key is struck, the hammer hits either one, two or three strings, depending on the note. Usually, the 10 lowest pitches have a single string with copper, copper-clad or brass wire wound round it, then the next 18 pitches have two strings and then the last 60 have three strings per hammer (note). These sets of strings are called unisons, as they vibrate at the same frequency (rate of traveling back and forth).

Every note sounded on a piano is the result of a string, or set of two or three strings, vibrating at a specific frequency determined by the length, diameter, tension and density(/structure) of the wire. A shorter, lighter string, under more tension, vibrates faster, and produces a higher-pitched sound.

Strings vibrate, causing the air particles to vibrate, causing your eardrum to vibrate.

If it was just the strings vibrating that made the sound of the piano, then it would just sound like plucking a piece of wire, quite a pure, quiet sound. But it doesnt, because you have overtones all coming togather to create the final sound. To amplify the sound of the strings, they press down on a bridge which conducts their vibration to the large, thin piece of wood called the soundboard.

This is a very breif description of how a piano works. Forgive me if I have missed anything, but I haven't much time. I am doing an assignment on the fundamental principals involved in the sound production of an acoustic instrument, and guess what acoustic instrument I'm doing........

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sound waves from vibrating strings inside struck by "hammers" when keys struck

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It is considered as a percussion instrument and a string instrument. This is because when a piano key is pressed, little hammers inside hit the strings which vibrates and those vibrations produce the sound.

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Yes, vibrations can produce sound when they travel through a medium, such as air or water. When an object vibrates, it creates changes in air pressure that our ears interpret as sound.

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No, the act of listening does not produce vibrations, unless you mean that being exposed to sound causes vibrations in your tympanic membrane. That is a part of the mechanism of hearing. Hearing and listening are two different things.

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When you do fast motions you push the air and it producers vibrations.

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Do strong vibrations produce loud sounds?

Strong vibrations can produce loud sounds if they cause the vibration of surrounding air particles, leading to the creation of sound waves. The intensity of the sound produced will depend on factors such as the amplitude of the vibrations and the medium through which the vibrations are traveling.

Why is it sound?

Vibrations are perceived by the human ear as sound. Faster vibrations produce higher-pitched sounds, while slower vibrations sound lower-pitched.

Is the violin a cordophone?

Yes, as is any instrument that utilizes vibrations from strings, like a piano and a harp.