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by people not having sex and making babies.

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Q: What is happening in a population as it decreases?
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Whats happening in a population as it decreases?

The death rate becomes higher than the birthrate.

What happens as the population decreases?

As a population decreases the death rate is higher or equal to the birthrate.

What is the effect of a limiting on a population?

The population decreases.

True or false if a prey population decreases the population of its predator probably will decrease as well-?

It is true to say that; If a prey population decreases, the population of its predator probably will decrease as well.

What is the effect of a limiting factor on a population?

The population decreases.

What is population inversion?

Inverse population density is when the population density decreases, the population growth rate also decreases. This is opposite to density dependent because here the population growth rate decreaes as population density increases.

What happens to a population when genetic variation decreases?

Less sex mutation and changes in DNA, I think?

What is inverse population density?

Inverse population density is when the population density decreases, the population growth rate also decreases. This is opposite to density dependent because here the population growth rate decreaes as population density increases.

What happens when there is a decrease in sunlight over the algal population?

The population decreases.

As resources in a population become less available the population?

It decreases rapidly.

How does isthmus affect people?

it decreases the population

On a graph of population growth the size of the population when the growth rate decreases to zero represents an area's?

On a graph of population growth the size of the population when the growth rate decreases to zero represents an area's carrying capacity.