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does the positoin ef the fulcrum affect the force necessary to lift a weihgt

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Q: How does the position of a fulcrum affect the load?
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How does the position of the fulcrum change the nechanical advantage?

You get greater mechanical advantage the closer the fulcrum is to the resistance (load).

What is the position of the first class lever?

First comes effort ,fulcrum and load

Relationship between position of fulcrum and effort required to lift load?

A relationship between two of it are when load come closer to fulcrum, you need more effort to use. But if load go far away from the fulcrum, you need less effort to use. A relationship between two of it are when load come closer to fulcrum, you need more effort to use. But if load go far away from the fulcrum, you need less effort to use.

What is the length from the fulcrum to the load?

That is the distance between the load and the fulcrum. The load may be on the far side, or the near side of the fulcrum. One often overlooked fact, is that as the distance from load to fulcrum increases, the load on the fulcrum decreases.

Where are the effort load and fulcrum locate in a first class lever?

The fulcrum is between the effort and the load.

How does the position of the fulcrum and the location of the load affect the amount of effort force you must exert to lift the load?

To do this you first have to calculate your ideal mechanical advantage (IMA). The IMA is equal to the effort distance (the distance from the fulcrum to where you will apply the effort) divided by the load distance (the distance from the fulcrum to the load). You can then set your IMA equal to your acutal mechanical advatage (AMA) which assumes 100% efficiency. The AMA is equal to the load force (the weight of what you are lifting) divided by the effort force (the # you are looking for). So, for example, if your IMA is 5 and your load force is 500 lbs: 5=500/effort force. Therefore the effort force would be 100 pounds.

What happens when the fulcrum is further from the load?

The closer the load is to the fulcrum the greater the mechanical advantage. The closer to the fulcrum, the less the load moves when the lever is used.

Where are the load effort and fulcrum located on a second class lever?

No, the function of the fulcrum remains the same The only change would be the ratio of force to load The closer the fulcrum is the the load, the less force required to lift it The farther away the fulcrum is from the load, the more force required to lift it

Is the fulcrum always located at the same place as the lever?

No, there are 3 types of load-fulcrum-effort systems and the fulcrum depends upon the effort and the load of the system...

What do fulcrums help?

A fulcrum is the point of tuning for a lever. Since a fulcrum is essential for a lever, it does not help but rather is needed. The lever and fulcrum are used to move or hold objects. Levers can be used change the amount of force needed to alter a system of load, lever, and effort. The position of the fulcrum determines the force needed to change the natural equilibrium. There are three classes of levers divided in accordance to the position of the fulcrum. The first class of lever is typically used in a gravitational field with a load at one end of the lever, the fulcrum closer to the load than the middle of the lever, and a force applied near the other end of the lever. The important point is that the fulcrum is between the two forces and on the opposite side. If the lever is longer on the force side, the force needed to move the load is less than the weight of the load, but the load travels a smaller distance than the applied force point moves. This would be used possibly to lift an heavy object. By placing the fulcrum close to the point of force, the load moves farther than the applying force. This can be demonstrated by observing a trebuchet (commonly referred to as a catapult) The second class of lever places the load and the force on the same side of the fulcrum with the load closer to the fulcrum than the applied force. An example of this is the wheelbarrow. Again, the force needed to lift the load is less than the weight of the load. The third class of lever places the force between the fulcrum and the load. Examples of uses for this are chopsticks or ice tongs.

Where is fulcrum load and effort in fishing rod?

well the effort is in the middle as it is your hand moving while the fulcrum is your elbow and the rod is the load.

What is the difference between effort distance and load distance?
