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The Twenty‐Fifth Amendment establishes procedures by which the vice president becomes "Acting President" in the event of disability and the president may resume the powers of the office on the termination of the disability: by the president's written declaration or the vice president's together with a majority of top executive officials.

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Q: How does the president transfer his powers to the vice president temporaily?
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Related questions

What are the Consitiutional powers of the Vice President?

The powers of the Vice- President come from the requests of his/her president.

Does the president ever appoints the vice to take charge if he is still in the same room?

I am not sure what you want to know. The President can not and does not informally transfer his powers to the vice-president or anybody else. If the President is disabled and unable to perform his duties, he must transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that he is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. At that point, the vice-president takes over the President's duties. (I suppose the vice-president could be visiting the president in , say a hospital room, when the president tells him that he has sent such letters.)

Who asuumes the powers of president if a president dies or is removed from office?

the vice president

Which amendment provides for the transfer of presidential power to the vice president?

Amendment 25 provides procedures for temporarily transferring power from a disabled President to the vice-president. Provisions are given for voluntary transfer as well as for involuntary transfer, and for its return to the President .

How does the vice president take control of the presidency if he suspects that the president is disabled?

he would have to be voted out of his powers by the vice president and by the house of repersentives

What are two expressed powers the constitution gives to the vice-president?

These are the express powers of the Vice President:The VP is the President of the Senate and can preside over it.He casts a vote in the Senate when there is a tie.He assumes the powers of the President upon the death, resignation or incapacitation of the President.

Where are the powers of the governor listed?

The powers of governor are: ------- -to help the president -to make decisions for his state -and to help the vice president

Who succeeds an elected president if he dies before the inauguration?

If the president dies whilst still ruling his country, all his powers are given to the vice president of that country. For example, if President Obama (President of the United States of America) died, all his powers would go to the Vice President Joe Biden.

Which article explains how the president and the vice president are elected and defines the executive powers?

Article II

Can the Vice President ever hold the presidents power when he is still alive?

Yes. There are provisions in the 25th amendment whereby the powers of the President can temporarily be assigned to the vice-president.

What happens if the President dies or is disabled?

If the President dies (or is permanently incapacitated), the Vice President succeeds to the Presidency for the remainder of the President's term. If there is sufficient time involved, a new Vice President will be nominated to serve the Vice President's term. If the President is alive but temporarily incapacitated, there is a complicated procedure for allowing the Vice President to act as Acting President temporarily, as spelled out in the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution. The amendment considers the cases where the President voluntarily yields his powers or when he does not, as well as the process of returning the powers to the President if he recovers.

What happens if the president has an operation and has to be anesthetized what happens?

They generally transfer power temporarilly to the Vice President.