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the respiratory system provides O2 to cells in the digestive system which lets them live
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Arjun Bednar

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2y ago
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15y ago

The respiratory system is dependant on the digestive system due to the fact that in order to produce energy the respiratory system needs glucose (C6H12O6) and the digestive system breaks down that glucose. Without the digestive system digesting glucose, the respiratory system would not be able to turn glucose to energy.

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12y ago

The digestive system provides cells with the sugars needed for cellular respiration, and the respiratory system provides the gases necessary to break them apart into energy and waste products like carbon dioxide.

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12y ago

Yes. Some of the organs used in respitory system are also useful in digestive system

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13y ago

i think it oxidises the food...

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Q: How does the respiratory system help us digest food?
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The digestive system uses muscles to digest food. For example, stomach muscles help to break down food.

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because they make O2 go to your brain and the rest of your body and help get rid of wastes. and the oxygen gives you energy and helps you digest food so you can live and breathe and move and do everything you need to do to LIVE!

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The Respiratory System regulates breathing and gas exchanges within an organism. In humans, this system includes the lungs, airways, and respiratory muscles.

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the six main organs help digest the chewed food

What part of the body needs Fiber?

the digestive system (stomach) uses fiber to help digest food.

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The lungs are part of the respiratory system! they help the circulatory by giving oxygen, but they are just respiratory.