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Q: How does the rhetoric of this passage best support the tone?
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The tone of the passage seems to be heartfelt or emotional.

What is tone rhetoric?

The author's attitude toward a subject

In This Passage How Does The Speaker Point Of View Support The Tone I practically?

The speaker's point of view in the passage emphasizes a sense of practicality and a focus on realism. This perspective supports the overall tone by grounding the message in rationality and logic, ultimately enhancing the tone's serious and matter-of-fact quality.

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The first passage tells the story of the Kiowa people to achieve an instructional tone, but the second passage uses factual information to achieve an objective tone. - APEX

What do people use to describe the tone of a passage?

They usually use adjectives to describe the tone of a passage.

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"Her constant boasting about her wealth and connections showed her true arrogant nature, as if she believed she was superior to everyone around her."

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The word "triumphant" most clearly reveals the tone of Margaret Frink's memoir passage.

In rhetoric tone is?

Tone in rhetoric refers to the attitude or feelings expressed by the speaker or writer towards the subject or audience. It can influence how the message is perceived and can help convey the overall intent of the communication.

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The tone of the passage "Upturned Face" is contemplative and reflective, with a sense of introspection and wonder. The mood is serene and peaceful, evoking a feeling of calmness and tranquility.