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Q: How does the rotation of earth impact animal breeding cycles?
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Related questions

How does animal breeding impact on the rotation of earth?

Animal breeding has no impact on the rotation of the earth.

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Light pollution has two types of impacts: * A bright sky makes it more difficult for astronomers to smake observations * Local lights can impact breeding cycles and litter sex distributions in several species of animal (e.g. minks). This is important as hte female minks are more valuable to the mink farmer.

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how can the breeding programme reduce the effects on human impact

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Well, the okapi can be in danger if the cross bred animal is mutated and can set the whole species off.

Does the moon have historical impact on the earth?

The moon's rotation is not as fast as the Earth's rotation.

Was the earth in synchronous rotation around the sun before the formation of the moon and based on the Giant Impact Theory did the impact tilt the earth and speed its rotation?

It is hard to know the exact situation before the big impact. However, most objects start with some rotation when they form from coalescing materials, and it seems unlikely that the Earth would have had enough time to slow down enough to have a synchronous rotation.

What impact have humans had on the white tiger?

Mosly devastating , from poaching for skins. A few dedicated lovers of this magnificent animal work tirelessly for protection, habitat preservation, and anti-poaching enforcement as well as sanctuaries and captive breeding programs.

Is it true that womens menstrual cycles follow the Moon's cycle?

Individual menstrual cycles depend on the individual person, but the moon does impact on a woman's cycles. Synthetic light and erratic sleeping patterns has stopped this, but many women practice lunaception using either moonlight or synthetic light to help regulate cycles again.

What is the impact of overcropping of animal populations on the environment?

The impact of animal population will decrease. This is because the animals will be killed which means there will be less animals and the population will decrease.

How does a fish ladder protect the environment?

A fish ladder is a structure which allows fish to move past an obstacle such as a dam. Without fish ladders, fish would be stuck downstream of the obstacle, and this could potentially have a negative impact on the breeding cycles and lifestyle of the fish. So, It protects the fish in the environment, and helps animals that eat fish.

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How does planet earth rotate?

Earth first gained rotation as it formed by numerous collisions of smaller objects and gained its current rotation during a very large impact that also formed the moon. While interaction with the moon has slowed Earth's rotation, there has been nothing to stop it.