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Q: How does the shape of the ovum help to move from the ovary to the uterus?
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Is an egg from one ovary able to move to the other ovary?

Eggs only move from the ovaries to the uterus. They never move from one ovary to the other ovary.

How does the egg move to the fallopians tube when it is discharged by an ovary?

the fallopian provides a way through which an egg released from the ovary can travel

What is the role played by the Fallopian tube?

The Fallopian tubes have hair-like ends closest to each ovary. The hair-like structures help move the egg after it is released from the ovary into the tube on the same side as the ovulating ovary. The tube protects and helps move the egg into the uterus. Without the tube, the egg would drift around in the abdominal cavity. IF it happened to get fertilized in the abdominal cavity, the mother's life would be threatened if the egg sac was not immediately removed by surgery.

What convey the ova from the ovaries to the cavity of the uterus?

Uterine, or fallopian, tubes... Pair of 5-inch (12-cm) tubes, attached to the uterus, that provide a passageway for the ovum to move from the ovary to the uterus) Via Exploring Medical Language (A Student-Direct Approach, 7th Edition) Myrna LaFleur Brooks

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it helps the squid to move because its fit to the squid and this is really shape of squid to move so shape can help us like people have shape too and animals so that they help us ........

Does the shape of a mole help them to move around in the soil?

of course

How is pig embryo implanted on the pig uterus?

Fertilized eggs travel down the pig's oviduct. Ciliary action and contractions help to move the egg to the uterus where it becomes implanted.

Describe how an egg from the ovary develops into a fetus in the uterus?

ÊA female ovary normally releaseÊ an egg during ovulation. The egg moves to fallopian tube and stays there forÊ 24 hrs, waiting for fertilization (when spermÊ is aroundÊ it is fertilized or otherwise it disintegrates). After fertilization, the egg(zygote) stays for 3-4 days in the fallopian tube while dividing rapidly into multiple cells, as it move through the fallopian tube to the uterus and get implanted on the uterus wall. The zygote then develop into embryo and later into fetus.

How does a ciliated cell move an ovum?

Cilia are present in your fallopian tubes. They push the egg to wards the uterus. By the time the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, it is ready for implantation. That is the beauty of nature.

How does the egg move to the fallopian tube when it is dischrge by the ovary?

The egg released by the ovary is moved by the fimbriae into the fallopian tube. Once fertilized, the egg travels to the uterus for implantation.

What are 2 functions of fallopian tube?

There is a site called wikipeadia or its spelt summat like that and it tells you everything you need (Wikipedia sometimes contains false information. Be very careful when using.) Fallopian tubes are about 10-13 centimeters long (average) and are found only in female reproductive systems. These tubes connect to the ovaries and the uterus, one tube and ovary on each side of the uterus. The Fallopian tubes (also known as oviducts) help transport the egg cell into the uterus. In the upper third of the oviduct, the egg will await a sperm cell. This is also where fertilization occurs. The oviduct contains very small cilia cells that help move the egg down towards the uterus.

How does the shape of the ship help in floating?

Their shape helps them to keep it floating by being full of air and their shape is mostly for speed and being able to move.