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Q: How does the siphonophore look?
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What is the phylum of a siphonophore?


What phylum is the siphonophore in?

The siphonophore belongs to the phylum Cnidaria.

Are the siphonophore and the chiton an arthropods?

No, the siphonophore belongs to a different phylum - cnidaria, along with jellyfish; the chiton is a mollusc, phylum molluscae along with snails and bivalves.

What is the largest invertebrate known to earth?

Giant Siphonophore

What is the longest animal in the world and how long is it?

The longest animal on earth will surprise you it is not a whale it is a siphonophore (sy-FON-uh-for). A siphonophore is a jelly fish that can can have tnetacles that are 131 feet long!

When a Portuguese man of war bites you it will go off?

A Portuguese man o' war doesn't actually "bite" people, but rather stings them with its tentacles. The sting can be painful and cause skin irritation, but it generally is not life-threatening. It's important to seek medical attention if stung, and to wash the affected area with salt water (not fresh water) to help alleviate the pain.

Which coelenterate is called Portuguese man of war?

(Portuguese) man of war is Physalia physalis, a siphonophore hydrozoan. Or, a jellyfish.

What is the phylum of the Portuguese man-of-war?

The Portuguese man-of-war belongs to the phylum Cnidaria.

How do blue bottle jellyfish move?

This jellyfish actully isn't a jellyfish they are a Siphonophore, that meanis it's made up of 4 different colonies of polyps. The navigation colonie helps but the wind mostly does all the work to make it move.

What are all the jellyfishes predators?

Predators of jellyfish include fish, sea turtles, pelagic crustaceans, cephalopods, comb jellies, other jellyfish, sea butterflies, pelagic nudibranchs, siphonophore cnidarians, humans, and occasionally, starfish and sea anemones.

Are men-of-war actually jellyfish?

According to wikipedia: They are commonly but erroneously thought of as a jellyfish. In fact, a Portuguese Man O' War is not a single animal, but rather a siphonophore - a colony of four kinds of minute, highly modified individuals, which are specialized polyps and medusoids[1].

What is a Portuguese man-of-war a example of?

A Portuguese Man'o War, Physalia physalis, is the best known siphonophore hydrozoan cnidarian. It is a colonial cnidarian that floats at the surface of tropical and subtropical oceans by means of a highly modified, gas-filled polyp. It is also infamous for its powerful venomous sting.